These are all fantastic, and incredibly helpful and useful.
In particular, this set will be great for anyone wanting help coming up with Olaran names for Shaintar.
SEAN'S PICK OF THE DAY: This is a redux, but a necessary one. If you've not looked at Numenera, you need to. Seriously. Monte Cook, Shanna Germain, and the rest of that team did something rather amazing. Let me be clear - I was supportive, but skeptical. Not everything Monte's worked on in recent years has been my cup of tea, mainly because I've never really been much of a "d20" guy. His setting stuff has been awesome, but I've just not clicked with anything from his house.
Until now.
I am a fan. Of the setting, sure, as it really does an incredible job of presenting exactly what it is - the ultimate expression of that famous Clarke quote about magic and science. More importantly, I am fan of his stated goals and the brilliant execution thereof for the game design. This game is ~important~. Even if you don't know about playing it, you should own it. Read it. Understand it. It is a defining piece of work.
Well done, my friends.
SEAN'S PICK OF THE DAY: Two of the Great Steves of Supers Gaming - Steve Kenson and Steve Perrin - are among the many talents behind what I predict will be the "Aaron Allston's Strike Force" of the ICONS system. Welcome to Stark City.
SEAN'S PICK OF THE DAY: Mecha is coming. It's coming in a huge way, back to gaming. This looks to be a solid entry into the Next Generation of Mecha games...
They managed to make a truly OGL-based supers game that works and is fun. I really can't give it higher praise than that, since I figured the task was pretty much impossible and they proved me utterly wrong.
SEAN'S PICK OF THE DAY: Another one of those brilliant sourcebooks that all GMs should have in their collection. This one is a Pathfider revamp of a classic 3.5 book that covers all the things a GM will want for when the PCs are dealing with games and challenges at fairs, carnivals, and taverns. A must-have for the library.
SEAN'S PICK OF THE DAY: More Savage awesomeness, this time in the superheroic realm of play from Plain Brown Wrapper. "An ancient worldwide conspiracy...Twisted Nazis, sinister cultists and a cabal of crazed military officers" are all a part of this seven-part epic.
SEAN'S PICK OF THE DAY: Deadlands fans still wanting to wander the Old Weird West will be happy about this one. New monsters, classic creatures and archetypes, and lots of adventures.
I want to play this game! I'm seriously going someone will run it for me, and I anxiously await the full release.
It's the system I've chosen to run my supers campaigns in. Honestly, not sure what else I need to say, except that it does what I need it to do - it's flexible enough to craft the characters desired; it's robust enough to easily handle the mods I needed to make; it's easy enough to run fast and fun supers games.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for the review. |
Note: This review is for the first edition of the game. |
SEAN'S PICK OF THE DAY: This is one of those useful bits of content that just jumped out at me. Fact is, anyone playing in the WWII era should probably check out the rest of their stuff, too.
SEAN'S PICK OF THE DAY: This isn't just a supplement; this is a complete revision of the game. It's just coming off the highly successful Kickstarter, and it's fully in the hands of the creator, the inestimable Steve Kenson. It's a must-have for any supers fan, period.
SEAN'S PICK OF THE DAY: Return to the chilling days of yesteryear with Storm of the Century, which just happens to be the latest piece of awesome for Spirit of the Century.
SEAN'S PICK OF THE DAY: Storn A. Cook is not just a friend and one of the first artists I ever worked with, he's one of the ~finest~ RPG artists anyone's worked with. The Portfolio packs are awesome for publishing, or if you just want to do some fun fan stuff!
SEAN'S PICK OF THE DAY: On the other side of the Big Comics Universe Coin, the latest DC Adventures (M&M) book is out, and it's a doozy! The whole big damn DC Universe! Collectors will want this even if they don't play the game.