Of the multitude of "How to be Better GM" books I own, the irreverant and helpful advice from this book truly puts it at the top of books I would recommend to any GM on how to make the games you run "more.." er "suck less." Its a good fast read with lots of common sense items couched in the curmudgeonly text. Worth every penny/copper.
When I got FATE through the Kickstarter I was looking for a tool to help describe the "roll" of the dice, and this deck fit the bill with the "Inspirational Phrases" on each card. But what the deck has that make it a really good thing are the "secrets." As I predominately run FATE Accelerated, I found the Quick generation of NPC with the 6 card Arcana deck a real boon as it quickly allows me to build an NPC and flesh them out from that quick deal. The Rule card is also worth the price of admission as I can print that out and give one to each player at a convention game and not worry about it walking off.
DTRPG does a good job at printing these and the material should hold up through a year or so of regular use (I have had other custom decks printed for Savage Worlds and have seen what a year of regular use retains.)
My only challenge with the deck vs. dice is this. With Dice it is entirely possible to roll 4+ or 4- each time you roll. Just pick them up and roll, and then pick them up and roll again. With the deck you have to shuffle each time you want to roll to keep the same probabilities, this can slow down play a bit.
So is the deck worth it...yes if you are GMing, but not so much for a player when you can get the dice.
Of the "extras" one can get for Numenera (This, the XP Deck, Player's Guide, and GM Screen) this one actually works as it should and provides value for the money. It creates an interesting way to generate what a d100 would and allows you to ensure players won't have duplicate devices if you hand them the card.
The only trick is many cards have 2 or 3 possible "effects" and there is the smaller "type" deck that will probably not want to let them keep that card from.
So our solution has been when they get a card they sleeve it in a large card sleeve, roll a dice to determine which effect, circle the one that they got and write the "type" on the card. When they use the cypher they remove it from the sleeve and back into the deck it goes.
Now as for the physical cards from DTRPG, they have the feel of a standard tourist deck of cards, meaning they will fray a bit with frequent use and will ruin if they get wet. But, they still serve the purpose and won't be used for high stakes poker.
To me, a good GM screen helps significantly reduce the need for the GM to review the rule book for commonly occurring events/situations in a game.
Sadly, this set of inserts only scratches the surface of the amount of rules that could come up in a game session of Numenera.
There are four pages for the GM.
Page 1 hits the core rule about Task Difficulty, Distances, basic weapons and armor.
Page 2 talks about the "special rolls" a player can get should their d20 roll certain numbers.
Page 3 hits recovery roll times and damage from hazards
Page 4 replicates the cypher list.
For those who have read the core book you know there are lots of information Chapter 8 about modifiers to Tasks. Items like lighting, gravity. As well as details around tasks like healing. Ruless that could easily be summarized and put on the GM screen.
There is lots of "white space" on pages 2 and 3 and would be a welcome space for many rule elements seen in Chapter 8 of the Core Rule Book. Rules that don't even make it into the Player's guide (that's a different issue all together), but cover the majority of situations that could arise in a game.
In the end, I penciled in what was missing and making my own screen, using this one as the chassis. But I would have liked more in here detailing the information in Chapter 8 - a section have to keep referring to as a game session goes along.
I suspect that the lack of core elements may have been an intentional choice, with the idea that Numenera is to be a fast play system, but the point behind Chapter 8 is giving guidelines on how to handle so many different aspects of play that can come up, from lighting to gravity, that it feels like that chapter 8 needs more exposure either in the GM Screen or in the Player's Guide (preferably both).
I also would have liked a layered PDF in such that the background art on the GM screens could be suppressed to provide a cleaner space to work from.
Still, for $2 it is hard to rate it low and is the only reason I did not give this a two star rating.
And since the Game License prevents someone else from creating a better screen (as the table data is proprietary) I can only hope that the makers of this one take the opportunity to improve upon the design before they throw money in making their own hard copy screen.
Good art, crucial if you are running the game as many of the setting rules (hacking, cybertrauma, Zeeks) are there. Only flaw I saw was on the Shaken(Spirit Roll) table (the results are inverted to the success), hopefully they will fix that soon and is the only reason I didn't give it 5 stars.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for your review, and thanks for pointing this issue out to us.
The problem has been fixed and the file has been updated. |
This item set the standard for our campaign on how to track not only initiative, but also tracking monster information.
The only down side was when the monster got it, if you were using the card to track HP, you had to pull it out of the initiative stack to record it and sometimes it went back into the wrong spot.
This was only replaced by the Paizo Magnetic initiative board several years later.
Third in a set of terrain tiles for a sci-fi setting
The Good:
Wonderful details and beautiful setting. Great for 20-28mm (not for use with Clix and their 1.5" scale)
Combining this set with set #1 you can create a wide variety of bases (or Vaults).
The bad:
Just a short page of printing tips would have been helpful. I wasted a lot of ink and paper the first time printing this to get it all on the wrong scale (instead of 1" squares I got 3/4" squares). Still that was user error vs. the quality of the product and its great price.
The Good:
Beautifully detailed tiles for a science fiction base. (Or Vault)
The So-So:
Just wish there were good instructions on printing the product because I sure wasted lots of paper printing it out and getting the squares too small. Oh well, lesson learned.
The Bad:
I purchased this item for item creation rules (so for 1 paragraph of the rules)
But I still see how this item, like the pulp gear toolkit, would be very useful for a campaign where starship (based on reality - vs the pulp physics of Flash Gordon), mechs, robots, power armor, and cybernetics would be handy to know some rules of creation.
This set is chocked full of Paper modeling goodness.
The Hollywood flats are perfect way to create buildings without all the details. And while the template is for a basic square building (7"x7") There are great instructions on how to make a variety of shapes.
The set comes with the blank concrete tile that I bemoaned was missing from the Streets of Mayhem.
The Good:
As I said, lots and lots of pieces to bring your urban board to life.
The So So:
I just wish the set had a plain brown (vs. Brown and Green) gravel section, but thats because I am doing a Fallout themed board so I need dead vegetation.
The bad: Nothing
A great set for anyone planning an urban campaign or minis game.
The Good:
Very detailed
Lots of variety in props
Fantastic instructions so that even a novice could follow them.
A very active forum so lots of support for the products they produce.
The So-So:
The set as a whole has all the basic shapes you could ever need to make a road, but I really wish there were two version of all the road pieces, because when you lay down a long road, even after rotating the piece it becomes evident there is only one road tile, and that piece of garbage on the sidewalk become rather annoying. Still this is just a minor minor complaint.
The Bad
If you want a blank concrete square to know where to place your building you have to buy another set (Bit of Mayhem). I was really surprised to not find such a tile, I am sure you could use the "Wasteland" tile so it is not a big negative, but a plain concrete piece would have been nice.
A collection of the many tales of Fu Manchu. It is great for those who cannot track down copies of their own or who want to read it offline.
The Good:
Its a collection of books that you can read off line
The Bad:
The price is a bit high knowing that most of these stories are available for free reading at the Google Books site (just search for Fu Manchu).
This product provide many good elements all stat'd out for a good pulp adventure game
Well laid out
The ability to "build your own" Aircraft, Zeppelins, Ground Vehicles, and Flash-Gordon spacecraft (where physics should be left at the door).
A long list of good pulp treasures to have your Indiana Jones fix (So think Warehouse 23 from Steve Jackson games but more pulp feel)
While the list of mundane gear was nice, I had hoped for much more, fortunately I own the Hollow Earth Expedition - secrets of the surface world, for some ideas of prices and available technology of the mid 1930's so I am not in bad shape.
So, I am really getting into the Pulp Genre with TripleAce Games Daring Tales of Adventure (DToA) when I noticed this item was written by the same author of that series of adventures.
First - This is not required to Run DToA, DToA has its own set of rules that were taken from this supplement directly.
Second - This is a Toolkit, which means its a lot of optional things that you can choose to include or ignore.
What I loved about this book were the Sections on Archetypes and Monsters. These two sections make it so much easier to plop villians, npcs, and foes right into any pulpy game you want.
My only nit (and its a small one), was the trap table was not on the same page describing traps. Other than that, if you are using Savage Worlds as your game mechanics, and you want to do pulp, you cannot go wrong with this Toolkit.
A mystery with a possible supernatural twist to keep the players guessing.
While written for d20, it can easily be adapted to any other mechanics as the adventure provides all the npcs, their motivations, and possible innocence or guilt.
What MAY be a challenge for the Game Master was while there was great stat-blocks for the NPCs and explanations what they have been up to, as well as twists depending on if you are running the scenario as murder mystery or supernatural mystery, there was no real hints on how to role play the character except what you could extract from their description. It would have been nice to have some roleplay notes (ex. Reginald Pierce - is he distracted all the time, absent minded, cries alot due to the death at his museum, any of these could help a Game Master know how to best play this NPC). Even a simple description outside of their occupation and gender would have been nice (tall, thin, short, pudgy, brown hair, blonde, blue eyes, brown eyes, etc.).
So while a great story with good NPCs, I cannot give it full 5 stars without further fleshing out of the characters the PCs must interact with on a some-what persistent basis.