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Tenra Bansho Zero: Heaven and Earth Edition
by Witold K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/18/2019 05:31:02

It's an excellent game, where every session you go through the whole story arcs like in your favourite Shonen anime, with very fun character powers, and a very flavourful character advancement rules. However, there is one serious problem - the rulebook is massive, and reading through it all to run a one-session game (the default mode of play for Tenra) feels like a chore.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Tenra Bansho Zero: Heaven and Earth Edition
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Labyrinth Lord: Revised Edition (no-art version)
Publisher: Goblinoid Games
by Witold K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/18/2019 05:26:06

It's as good as retroclones get, does it's job really well.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Labyrinth Lord: Revised Edition (no-art version)
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Exalted Second Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by Witold K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/18/2019 05:24:56

The Avatar Last Airbender style is very cool, but overall the game feels like too much of a burden. I'd rather stick to D&D and Tenra Bansho Zero for my superhero fantasy.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Exalted Second Edition
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[Polish] Zgrozy: Pasterz Ciem
Publisher: Chaosium
by Witold K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/08/2019 05:45:16

Moja ulubiona przygoda do Zewu - świetna atmosfera i wybory. (disclaimer - pracowałem przy angielskim wydaniu Pasterza)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
[Polish] Zgrozy: Pasterz Ciem
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A Breath of Fresh Air
Publisher: Monte Cook Games
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/24/2017 15:51:10

It's a bit like Star Trek or Arrival adapted to RPG. A very unusual, complex, and challenging situation presented to the players, with additional sense of wonder. Looking good!

(full review in Polish:

[5 of 5 Stars!]
A Breath of Fresh Air
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Dies Illa
Publisher: Enigma Machinations
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/17/2017 15:33:52

I bought it, and played it, not I'm very happy about both these decisions.

Note: I know Apocalypse World a little, but I'm not a fan. And I like Diablo 2 a lot.

-unclear rules: what takes a turn and what doesn't? How ambush rules work, exactly (do all enemies attack me at once?). Can I just skip enemies and proceed to another level? Making a ruling once in a while is OK, but not when it's about the core mechanics of the game (especially since the game is GM-less). I don't know, maybe all is explained somewhere in the rules, but not easily found? Or maybe it all becomes clear once you are an Apocalypse World afficionado?

-it's not a 1-player game. When you play alone, you get massacred (at least with 1 character per player). That's wouldn't be that much of a problem if only it was said anywhere in the rules (or better, in product description).

-it's short. The tree with skills looks promising, but you won't get very far in it, since - spoiler alert - you get only 1 XP (or none) for the entire game. This has Act 1 in the title - and this is a pretty short Act 1. Maybe it feels longer if you role-play a lot. Without that (and for solo play), it's over in less than an hour. The book has 16 small-format pages.

For ultimate tabletop GM-less Diablo 2 experience, Dies Illa doesn't come close to playing good old Citadel of Blood by Greg Costikyan or to using D&D adventure modules as Choose Your Adventure books.

There are some good ideas there. Maybe it becomes better when you play with a bigger group and role-play a lot? Maybe it's a decent looting ground if you want to write your own AW hack? (for writing games that aren't AW hacks, this does't feel that inspiring to me). If only the rules were clearer! And the game was longer! Sorry, one star from me.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Dies Illa
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