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Star Fleet Universe Coloring Book #1: Starships
Publisher: Amarillo Design Bureau
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/30/2016 08:47:40

This is a fairly simple and straight forward product. It will not win any awards as a coloring book, but it fits the style of ADB ship design well. I appreciate that just the ships are presented instead of being in action poses like a more traditional coloring book. The price point is excellent as well.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Star Fleet Universe Coloring Book #1: Starships
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100 Adventure Hooks
Publisher: War Games South
by Sean J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/14/2015 16:13:35

From a GM perspective this document is borderline pointless. I fully understand these are adventure hooks, but not full adventures. However this list is laziness at its worse.

All 100 "hooks" are 1 to four word half sentences. For example one of them is "a prophecy". Really? That is not a hook that is a word. An adventure hook would be something like "An ancient prophecy says that only a mysterious champion can prevent the volcano from erupting. Smoke is coming from the volcano and one of the players fits the prophecy's description of the champion."

That one sentence that I spent about ten seconds typing contains more creativity than this entire document. This is very much not worth the purchase and should be avoided.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
100 Adventure Hooks
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