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Adobeville II $6.00
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Adobeville II
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Adobeville II
Publisher: Finger and Toe Models
by Andrew W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/01/2013 13:02:11

If you liked Adobeville, you'll love this. For those who are not familiar with the original set, it is modular system comprising floors, support girders, ceilings and interchangeable wall blocks. These go together to make room modules. In addition, their are tiled roofs, a flat roof with parapet, a well and so much more. The ideal start for building everything from a desert fort to a Mediterranean walled farm. Glenn Williams listened to his customers and didn't stop there. Adobeville II takes this concept so much further. By adding the models in this set to the basic set, it is possible to create a simple Mosque or Spanish Mission, amongst other possibilities. You get a Minaret, a Mission Bell tower, two styles of balcony (one with a porch that converts to a cloister), gateways, a firing step and a lean to. Also included are gate inserts and blank walls for the basic modules, should you wish to include storerooms or stables. As if all this were not enough, a selection of "cut and paste" doors and windows (Turkish, modern and futuristic) are included to further adapt the basic set. If you're looking for a versatile 28mm system get Adobeville, then get this (you could even include the Lincoln NM, Watchtower). Highly recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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