This module was essentially written as part of the ill fated Dwimmermount campaign as part of the stretch goals, the author (known for his Adventures Dark & Deep) kindly offered to write an adventure detailing one of the treasure maps found in Dwimmermount. I imagine most people expected a mini-dungeon, instead it's essentially a write up of a small town and a treasure hunt.
It's actually a very interesting idea, I was a little disappointed not to get a dungeon, but the end result is extremely clever and charming. It does have flaws though - it's rather sketchy, the npcs don't have really any physical description or in most cases, even a personality, just name and age. It's suggested that some of the NPCs befriend the PCs, but without that information it's more difficult to. I also would have liked some adventure hooks for the village beyond this adventure, as well as reactions or aftermath of the townsfolk to the PC finding the adventure.
There really isn't any combat involved except for a rival group also looking for the treasure, which seems a little forced.
3 pages are devoted to a rather strange use of the OGL. It seems to include every monster from the Tome of Horrors, so the Section 15 of the OGL goes on and on and on. Yet strictly speaking, the product does not use any items not found in the SRD, so that was really unnecessary. Beyond that, as the copyright owner of Adventures Dark and Deep, he didn't need to use the OGL to use his own material, it's only needed when using other people's material. But it's rather a moot point because the open content declaration says there is no open content in the product (which strictly isn't true, by using the OGL, all things derived from the SRD are open content, essentially the stats)
So basically, it's really a 6 page module in total, with 3 pages for maps (1 treasure map, 1 player map and 1 DM map that is the same only keyed). As a freebie it's pretty neat, but I'm not sure it's worth $2.49. 99 cents, sure.