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Barracks for Gruntz 15mm 1.25
Publisher: Rottenlead Publishing
by jonathan c. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/10/2013 18:11:01

The barracks program really speeds up unit creation. The ability to rename weapons and add photos is a nice touch too. There is a few problems with weapons stats being incorrect like the assault missile being AE2 not 4 and being able to assign perks and mods that break the rules, e.g swarm for units with ranged weapons, engineer and medic on the same specialist, two perks or mods of the same type like weapons or mobility etc. but hopefully these issues will be fixed with the next update. I would recommend this product as overall the builder is well laid out and easy to use.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Barracks for Gruntz 15mm 1.25
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