Are there ogres in your game?
If there are, and you view them as anything more than mere cannon-fodder to be mown down in swathes by brave adventurers this product is worth a look, especially if you play Labyrinth Lords or Castles & Crusades. (Even if you don't, a lot of the ideas could be used to effect in any fantasy game.)
It begins with a discussion of what ogres actually are. Whilst based in the Olden Lands and with some references to that setting, it would be a trivial matter to locate them in your own campaign world. There's material about various ogre cultures, just like any other race there are more than one and ogres from one community will be quite different in outlook and behaviour from those who come from the other side of the world.
Then it gets more mechanical (game mechanics, I mean) with notes and tables on ogre magi and their powers. This will aid you in creating truly individual ogre magi rather than having every single one encountered being exactly the same, with the same powers and abilities. They can be just as individual and distinctive as any player-character wizard... and the tables are well-ordered and systematic so that it is not massively time-consuming to create them.
Next comes a system for generating ogre encounters. Using this you can design a whole group, determining just who is in it and where they come from as well as what they are doing when encountered. That's nice - makes it feel as if the characters are interacting with a living world in which there are other folks going about their own business when encountered, rather than a job-lot of ogres doing nothing but waiting for the party to come along so that an encounter can take place.
If interest in ogres as 'people' has been whetted by now (and if you've studied the material so far thoroughly it probably has been) the next section explains how to create ogre characters. Finally, there's a preview to one of the places that ogres come from in the Olden Lands, the Gorge of Ogroth. Sounds fascinating, and ought to be well worth a visit...