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Osd Dungeons Caves Chambers

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Osd Dungeons Caves Chambers
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Osd Dungeons Caves Chambers
Publisher: Old School Dungeons
by William W. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 01/28/2013 13:25:15

This is a great looking set of dungeon tiles that can create a wide variety of cavern passageways and chambers. The artwork is excellent, and reminiscent of the art found in classic RPG rulebooks. In particular, I like how the tiles have tiny crosses to designate spaces instead of solid lines, which I feel would take away from the appearance of the cavern.

This set suffers from two problems, one major and one minor. The floor sections suffer from a bit of repetition in the pattern of cracks and other features. I always like to see more variety in small details like that, but this wouldn’t prevent me from using these tiles for a dungeon crawl.

The major issue is in printing. Each page is covered in black from edge to edge, with the logo and product name at the top and bottom in large, full-color letters. This would create a huge waste of printer ink to print portions that are not useful to the product. The price of this product is very reasonable, but becomes less so due to this waste (printer ink is NOT cheap!).

I’d really like to see an updated version of these tiles with the lettering and black borders removed (at least to the edges of the square for each floor section), or possibly even provided as an alternate set of tiles, or as a PDF layer that can be selected (or deselected, as the case may be).

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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