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Artifacts #24
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Artifacts #24
Publisher: Top Cow
by Flames R. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 01/15/2013 08:48:12

In this, the most recent issue for the Artifacts line, we see Finch and Dani stumbling through the new universe that Jackie Estacado has created -- but something is wrong. As they explore their relationship with each other, both are unaware that a battle rages on a different front. As the danger increases, Finch -- the new Angelus -- shows us she may not have what it takes to be a bearer.

This story is an important part of the Artifacts storyline because it's a crucial plot point that builds the new narrative. Fast-paced with gorgeous, realistic art, if you're following the series you'll want to see what happens here.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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