The question is not if you will need this, but rather when you will get the opportunity to force it in, seeing as it is what you will probably want.
The list of 1000 Chaos Effects offers a menagerie of intireguing effects, all of which will either leave your party gaping confused or laughing at the situation, or even offer a new twist to an essential story. The list is very vague in it's descriptions, making it well fitting for most generic fantasy RPG:s, and if you don't think the listed effect fits your world, you can allways make a re-roll. With one thousand diffferent effects, all easy to find, you get an whole lotfor only $1.75.
Many of the listed effects aim for very different effects on your game, meaning you by rolling the tablemight well give your Games Master a hard time, as some effects will distract from play, some will tip the balance of a combat, and some will obstruct certain progression (which is why the GM should reserve the right to make re-rolls). Simply put: the book of 1000 Chaos effects may be a bit chaotic. Especially, the book risks giving a very humorous undertone to your game, something not all players will want in their world. The text is also, occationally, lacking in spelling and gramar, although this does not cause any major hinderance to reading it.
Over all, the book may need some adaptation when used, depending on your system, and the GM will certainly have to be careful not to allow any results that may wreck his or her campaign (though the risk of this is usually quite small). It offers a many effects (a thousand, to be exact), and although not all of these are very mind-blowing, it has a number of effects you will be yearning to apply. As such, one of the best uses of this work is to use as inspiration, for magical items and the like. And if you don't think you'll use it in your games, you might still want considder buying it; it's a good, entertaining read even on it's own.