All right, you know the drill – 4 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page SRD, leaving us with 2 pages of content for the 13 new feats, so let’s take a look:
-Ancestral Secrets: Nice Dm-tool that allows the Dwarf to once per level or month create a treasure map from his possessions.
-Battle Name: Select a type of enemy from the ranger’s list and apply select racial trait bonuses to said creature type as well. Also gain +2 to cha-based abilities and checks with dwarves, -2 with the respective creature type.
-By the numbers: As a free action, make a perception-check to determine the rough condition of your allies. I usually am not a fan of metagamey feats, but this feat thankfully only gives a general idea of the ally’s conditions and thus, for me works.
-Dwarven Weapon Focus: Gain the weapon focus bonus on all “dwarevn” weapons.
-Dwarven Weapon Specialization: Gain the weapon specialization bonus on all “dwarven” weapons.
-Hold the line: When bracing as a move action against a bull rush or trip, you can grant your stability bonus to adjacent allies. Neat one, though I think it should be a teamwork feat or gain a special bonus with solo tactics.
-Questing Protocol: You may add up to wis-bonus to create an officially sanctioned questing group. Said group benefits from a +2 morale bonus to AC vs crit-confirmations and +2 vs fear saves.
-Seasoned: +2 to saves vs disease and curses.
-Short Distance: For con-mod rounds, increase movement to 30 ft., but at the risk of getting tired.
-Storied Heritage: Grants access to an additional racial trait from a short list sans costing you the other trait. Also can grant you a trait that takes more than one racial trait and make you lose one less. The wording of the feat could be slightly more polished.
-Tomb Smasher: Ignore ½ hardness of inanimate stone objects and can score crits against it. With picks, threat ranges also double.
-Vengeful: When one of your questing consorts is dropped to unconscious, helpless or killed, you gain +1 to attacks and damage rolls vs. that foe. This feat is too weak, since it is reliant on another feat and only offers a very minor circumstantial bonus.
-Veteran: Aid another at range, but only allies that are part of your questing company or share a teamwork feat with you.
Editing and formatting are very good, but honestly, I felt that the writing was less crisp than I’m accustomed to by SGG. Layout adheres to SGG’s no-frills 3-column landscape-standard and the pdf has no bookmarks, but needs none at this length.
The feats herein are interesting, especially the interaction with racial traits being a route I very much enjoy. However, the questing focus is not that prevalent in my opinion. I enjoy the racial weaponry-feats, though they are not that creative and lack a crucial bit of information: They require weapon focus/specialization as a prerequisite, but don’t specify whether the feats stack with the prerequisites. The feat to cobble together treasure maps is awesome, but honestly, the others just didn’t blow me away. I’m used to better offerings by SGG and when compared with other pdfs, this one feels like it falls a bit short. While in no way bad, the BP is also not as polished or creative as usual and thus I’ll settle for a final verdict of 3 stars.
Endzeitgeist out.