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The Eerie Exploits of Ranger Company X: The Official Series Bible

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The Eerie Exploits of Ranger Company X: The Official Series Bible
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The Eerie Exploits of Ranger Company X: The Official Series Bible
Publisher: Lightspress Media
by Larry B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/20/2012 14:55:23

If you know of the Adventures of Brisco County Jr, or just wanted to be a bad-ass Texas Ranger like Chuck Norris stuck in the X-Files, then this Series Bible might be for you.

You get to be a member of a special branch of the Texas Rangers; who answer only to the Governor (or President depending on which era of Texas you want to play in). You are charged with investigating suspicious goings on that are beyond the normal ken of other Rangers. Sometimes something supernatural lurks deep in the heart of Texas.

This is a fun supplement that you can use for many games. In full disclosure, I have been part of two sessions of Ranger Company X hosted by the creator (Hank Harwell). Both sessions were a ton of fun.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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