Deep in a Winter Wonderland No One Can Here You Scream!!!
What can I say other than this is more than worth the price you pay and is a great paper miniatures game to play with the family and kids in mind. As a long time tabletop board, role-player and war gamer the rules have just enough complexity that new people to the hobby or to this game could pick it up in a couple plays and master them after a series of games which only makes the game faster and more fun the less you have to keep looking things up.
The theme is superb and a great game to play during the winter months and over the holidays when you are looking for something to play with the kids or even older ages as it gives enough skirmish miniature game here to pass a night of gaming or to definately scratch that itch. The artwork takes you into a whismsical world of kids having snowball fights and the paper terrain gives you all you need for your first bunch of games. I found as a creator of terrain for my tabletop rpgs and wargames that this game has lots of room and potential for creating new pieces of terrain or making the paper pieces in 3D and really exploring the different places kids could meet up and settle the score.
I love the wildcard deck (whether you print off the cards or use the handy dandy random chart in the rules booklet) they add some interesting variety and can alter events through random encounters or add to the overall narrative if you are a fan of writing creative battle reports. I hope there will be more wildcards in the future and more expansions (already a Booster Pack of Elves) in the future as I think there is lots of room for more teams and random baddies to throw a monkey wrench in the kids plans for a day out lobbing snow balls a each other next to the Zombie Snowmen already in this pack.
This is definately a paper print n' play game you need in your collection to play with your kids, nephews and nieces, grandchildren or older friends and family.
Pick it and the first booster expansion up today. You will be glad that you did.