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Publisher: Rooster Games
by David [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/16/2024 08:39:18

Fantastic micro-setting game. I like the setting and game a lot.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Stranger Stuff: Stranger Settings (TinyD6)
Publisher: Gallant Knight Games
by David F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/12/2020 16:41:45

Another solid addition to the Stranger Stuff (TinyD6) Edition of the game.

Found within we have the default setting of Crestview Hills (as found in the original vs. M Engine edition of the game and its series of adventures that further fleshed out the town), as well as four additional micro-settings to get you started in your own tales of 80's kids vs. The Unknown. Or you could use Crestview Hills as your town and just add in the micro-settings as you see fit.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Stranger Stuff: Stranger Settings (TinyD6)
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DINOSAUR TABLETOP GAME: Cretacea - The game of gargantuan survival
Publisher: Wicked Wargames
by David F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/23/2019 14:07:41

Right out of the gate this game is a labour of love and it shows. Arthur Hannan has created a fantastic dinosaur wargame that draws from Mesozoic Era history, specifically the Cretacea Era as noted in the title. This game is 44 pages (including the cover and back of the book) and upon looking at the front of the book or reading the pdf, the imagery of the roaring T-Rex draws you in. The entire book is well laid out and very straight forward and easy to understand. The mix of artwork and photography of miniatures sets the tone and instantly makes you want to take a bucket of dinos and start repainting and basing them to create your own herd, and get to playing the game yourself. I feel the game is one people should not miss out on and there is an opportunity found within this game to not only use it as a solid wargame, but as an educational tool in teaching kids of all ages about dinosaurs. It also is a great way to introduce them to the wargaming hobby. Even if only to take that journey through painting/basing minis (if you want to), building a playmat or gaming board as well as creating lots of scatter terrain (It is another way to research the habitat these dinosaurs lived in during the time and recreate that on your tabletop) such as trees, shurbs, outcroppings of rocks, swamp and more.

For those who don't want to do all the wargame hobby bits, it does come with (speaking of the pdf) printable 2D top down view of dinos and gaming tokens along with a pdf of suggested force builds to get you started on your way. The concepts are fun and exciting and the fact that it is a dinosaur wargame wins it points on that alone. But the system is solid and very enjoyable and I hope we see more expansive material in the future. I honestly feel that this game is a diamond in the rough and has lots of potential for expansion if more people check it out, enjoy it, and recommend it to others.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DINOSAUR TABLETOP GAME: Cretacea - The game of gargantuan survival
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Snowball Wars Booster Set One: Elf Help
Publisher: Okumarts Games
by David F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/22/2018 20:14:13

Elves! They're Not Working For Santa....Anymore

I couldn't say enough great things about Snowball Wars and then David Okum releases this expansion and it does what any great expansion does, it adds more content that simply gives something new but still rules wise famillar. The elves add another gang of snowball warriors to play or to hinder as a random encouter within a new set of Wildcard cards along with a dreaded snow beast. A real must have for your games of Snowball Wars. What is offered here is more than worth the price. I hope there will be more Booster sets in the future as this game is quickly becoming a family favourite for us and has the potential for annual family Christmas tournaments and becoming another staple for our festive holiday rituals.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Snowball Wars Booster Set One: Elf Help
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Snowball Wars
Publisher: Okumarts Games
by David F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/22/2018 20:01:51

Deep in a Winter Wonderland No One Can Here You Scream!!!

What can I say other than this is more than worth the price you pay and is a great paper miniatures game to play with the family and kids in mind. As a long time tabletop board, role-player and war gamer the rules have just enough complexity that new people to the hobby or to this game could pick it up in a couple plays and master them after a series of games which only makes the game faster and more fun the less you have to keep looking things up.

The theme is superb and a great game to play during the winter months and over the holidays when you are looking for something to play with the kids or even older ages as it gives enough skirmish miniature game here to pass a night of gaming or to definately scratch that itch. The artwork takes you into a whismsical world of kids having snowball fights and the paper terrain gives you all you need for your first bunch of games. I found as a creator of terrain for my tabletop rpgs and wargames that this game has lots of room and potential for creating new pieces of terrain or making the paper pieces in 3D and really exploring the different places kids could meet up and settle the score.

I love the wildcard deck (whether you print off the cards or use the handy dandy random chart in the rules booklet) they add some interesting variety and can alter events through random encounters or add to the overall narrative if you are a fan of writing creative battle reports. I hope there will be more wildcards in the future and more expansions (already a Booster Pack of Elves) in the future as I think there is lots of room for more teams and random baddies to throw a monkey wrench in the kids plans for a day out lobbing snow balls a each other next to the Zombie Snowmen already in this pack.

This is definately a paper print n' play game you need in your collection to play with your kids, nephews and nieces, grandchildren or older friends and family.

Pick it and the first booster expansion up today. You will be glad that you did.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Snowball Wars
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vs. Stranger Stuff: Season 2 - So You’re a Teenage Witch
Publisher: Fat Goblin Games
by David F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/11/2018 14:55:53

Fat Goblin Games creates a fantastic expansion to their already super sweet Stranger Things Season 2 core rpg. This 23 paged (by pdf count) booklet is packed full of magic goodness and draws its inspiration from (but not limited to) Chilling Tales of Sabrina, Charmed, The Craft, Salem, Hocus Pocus, The Witches of Eastwick, Teen Witch, Witch’s Brew. The information is well layout and is a very fun, quick read but the information found within can change a game of Stranger Things Season 2 into a very different beast and turns it up to 11 with the amount of options available here.

Lucus Palosaari's writing talents are on point and strong in this one (as always), along with the ever present talent of head gobbo Rick Hersey. The two have created a very strong and "must have" expansion to an already top notch core product like Stranger Things Season 2. And the for the price point you are getting more than your money's worth with how usable the information found within.

Fat Goblin Games once again shows their love and passion for making great games and in creating top quality support products for their in house game lines. This expansion adds more options to an already robust toolkit found within the core book. I can't wait to implement this into the next game I run.

Well done!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
vs. Stranger Stuff: Season 2 - So You’re a Teenage Witch
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