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100 Disasters for a Fantasy Setting $0.75
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100 Disasters for a Fantasy Setting
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100 Disasters for a Fantasy Setting
Publisher: Ennead Games
by Steven H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/27/2013 00:36:29

With this investment you get 100 disasters, from Planear rifts to epidemics to undead uprisings.

Some particulars you need to decide are:

  1. Size of the disaster
  2. Duration
  3. If it hasn’t occurred, when will it start and are there any warning signs or omens?
  4. Intensity of the disaster
  5. Will it spread?
  6. How will it affect those from outside who have come to help?
  7. What lasting effects, if any, remain once it has ended?

For pocket change, you get the ability to suddenly cause calamities without having to have had them planned out in advance.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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