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Artifacts #23
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Artifacts #23
Publisher: Top Cow
by John G. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 12/14/2012 06:15:26

Artifacts continues to be one of the solid monthly books being created. With Artifacts #23, it is the art which takes center stage. Sejic is a master at digital painting, and this issue is a showcase for his remarkable storytelling and striking action scenes. Nobody can render demons in action in the same way, with the same kinetic energy.

In this issue Tom Judge battles a demon both as the Rapture and again as a priest in an exorcism. It is remarkable when Judge actually acts as a priest, and the resulting scene is compelling and intense, despite displaying what seems to be an established ritual.

Enjoyable read, and a feast for the eyes.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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