The nuts and bolts of the Guidebook have been adequately covered by other reviews so I'll just cover what I like and dislike and why you should get it.
The book itself is similar to other SNG products in that it sits in the middle ground between amateurishly produced content and the overly slick output of the big boys. It has a very personal feel yet also has good production and presentation. The final product is easy to read and use in any form.
Every section has something of interest whether you plan to use it whole as part of the Amherth setting, plan to drop it into another world or even just use some of the parts.
The guidebook is large and contains a ton of material. The sewers alone could occupy a party for years! One of the best aspect of the books is the sheer number of NPCs to be found in the city. There are dozens and dozens of them and If you need more quickly the NPC generator will come in handy. Sometimes it seems people forget that RPG is ROLE PLAYING game and one meets too many cardboard cutouts. Not so in Dolmvay. Another unique feature is The Church. In my world there are lots of religions most of which are pretty informal and usually don't bather each other. Dolmvay, on the other hand, has a dominant religion that is not very tolerant of other faiths. This makes for a definite feel that is a distinguishing feature of the city. Think Medieval Catholic Church.
My only complaint is that I would have liked more maps. O.K. I admit that I'm a map nut, but I would have liked to see a map of the immediate area around the city and maybe a regional map. Those may be coming in a future SNG product.
So why should you get it? Because it's a ridiculously good deal. Where else can you get a 200+ page sourcebook for pay what you want? Through a strange twist of events I have the PDF, Softcover and Hardcover and can recommend any of the three. Just pick your price point.