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Inked Adventures Hand Drawn Geomorph Tiles (small) $7.50 $5.50
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Inked Adventures Hand Drawn Geomorph Tiles (small)
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Inked Adventures Hand Drawn Geomorph Tiles (small)
Publisher: Inked Adventures
by Christopher S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/08/2013 11:11:26

Usually dungeon geomorphs are a crude and small. While I get the decision to make these the size that they were to accommodate printing 10x10 square tiles, the great drawing detail means (to me) that they need to be used on the table for players. Not being able to have a 1"=5' tile for table top use is a detractor for me. I wish there were jpgs available so I could print at the scale I want, either larger for table top play or smaller for use with a virtual table top.

Including the tiles layed out for both US and A4 printing as well as GM notes pages (also in US and A4) was a nice touch.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Inked Adventures Hand Drawn Geomorph Tiles (small)
Publisher: Inked Adventures
by Steven C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/18/2013 17:41:39

I picked these up to go along with the other inked adventures purchases I've made. The only downside to these is the scale, as I've gotten spoiled with the other products being the correct scale for minis. I can't ding the stars for that though since it was my lack of reading the size before I purchased it, and it's easily remedied with photoshop. The detail stands up even when zoomed in to change the scale, and the art style mixes with the other products like the 'modular cut up sections' packs so you can drop pieces in.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Inked Adventures Hand Drawn Geomorph Tiles (small)
Publisher: Inked Adventures
by JERRY M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/12/2012 10:47:49

Some very cool dungeon mapping accessories from Inked Adventures!

I love the artwork and the old-school feel of the maps.

However, the scale put me off...I'd love to see an option to print these at 1" = 5' scale so that we could use these with minis...

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Inked Adventures Hand Drawn Geomorph Tiles (small)
Publisher: Inked Adventures
by Beau C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/07/2012 18:22:23

Crazy cool set of modular Geomorph Tiles... the combinations are endless. And with the neat feature of overlapping introduced on his blog, the endless possibilities just got endlesserest :)

I thought the smaller size squares would bother me more than they do... the fact it, I can get a pretty big map built using a lot less real estate.

The black and white scheme is easy on the old printer budget and actually looks pretty awesome on the table.

Great job on a great set!

Now for more :)


[5 of 5 Stars!]
Inked Adventures Hand Drawn Geomorph Tiles (small)
Publisher: Inked Adventures
by marchomer h. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/07/2012 11:55:15

This product is definitively a five star item for three simple reasons:

  1. I never liked Geomorph tiles, but when I noticed these ones I changed my mind. So this product is good even if you don't care about this kind of gaming resources;
  2. If you are so mad to print some of these tiles on an A2 card you got a maga-dungeon for 28mm miniatures;
  3. Try to Google "dungeon geomorph tiles", you will find nothing cool as these Hand Drawn Tiles!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Inked Adventures Hand Drawn Geomorph Tiles (small)
Publisher: Inked Adventures
by Afet b. T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/05/2012 13:55:57

Inked Adventures' "Hand Drawn Geomorph Tiles" not only offers us game masters the ability to make up unique and interesting dungeons, but also makes them look the way we've all wished we'd been able to ourselves. These hand drawn tiles are done in a forced perspective style that is detailed enough to be evocative yet not overly busy. There are two exits on each face of the regular tiles, which are comprised of both cavern and dungeon passages and rooms in an impressive number configurations that are both inventive and useful. In addition to the regular tiles there are numerous dungeon entry/exit tiles and tiles with "dead-end" configurations. The possibilities are virtually infinite. My only complaint would be that the squares are a quarter inch across, so that this set will not work for games requiring a 1" = 5' scale using 28mm minis. Overall, an excellent product.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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