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100 Dreams $0.75
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100 Dreams
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100 Dreams
Publisher: Ennead Games
by Bennett S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/06/2015 10:13:04

Why did I buy this? What did I actually get? Been meaning to throw more dreams at the characters in my campaigns, and for the price point, it was hard to say no.

Have I used this, or will I use this? I've been as of late not running short on ideas for what kinds of dreams characters should be having, but if I start to, I know where to look.

How is the fluff? The table entries are a little more generic (6-8 word dreams) than I had expected, but I think if you roll on the table a couple times and combine those elements, it will make more of an interesting dream. Trying it out in this way, I got "On a hunt and are the prey" and "Missed a ferry/boat", which is something I could work with, either combining those elements or just bumping them together, completely non-sequitur.

Hows the artwork? None to speak of except the cover. It's a fine design, but nothing to write home about, and it's not blended in with transparency or anything. Kind of an ugly pdf.

How’s readability? There are some small visual artifacts present, but it's not distracting. Otherwise, it's black text on a white background, with a pleasant page border, and no typos jump out at me.

Was the price fair? At $.75, I absolutely cannot complain.

Favorite part? A nice little d6 table is included at the end to determine the meaning if you don't already have a better idea.

Least favorite part? "39: found a mountain made of bacon" - that's just too cartoony for me.

4/5 - Won't take your breath away, but does as advertised at a great price.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for the review, glad you liked it. The bcon mountain, I can see why it would be considered cartoony. I hope to try and update the older PDFs in the near future with a better, easier to read format and layout. Not sure when though. Again, thanks for the feedback :-)
100 Dreams
Publisher: Ennead Games
by Steven H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/27/2013 10:10:25

Here is another supplement worth its cost. Presented are 100 dreams that you can utilize to guide your characters from one part of the adventure to another.

A smart portion that they included, was a small chart after the one-hundred dreams that indicates whether the dream was an omen, a warning, a message or a delusion. You don't have to use the charts together, but if the character rolls his save to interpret the dream, you can use this to "interpret" it in a certain manner.

I mean, who wouldn't want to find out that their dream about being chased by a dwarf with a carrot indicates they are are being contacted by a higher power?

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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