This is a must read for any GMs with players who've read the monster manuals cover to cover. Spring one Chimera on them created using the information in this short PDF and they'll have second thoughts about ever other monster in your game. "What do you mean it has the head and neck of a snake, goat and panther?? that's not in the Monster Manual!" "We wake in the middle of the night, Bob is gone, and all we felt was the rushing of a strong putrid smelling wind?" "What book did you find THIS THING in??" :-)
After reading this, I'll be sure to check out more of your Better Monster series!
You don't need a PHD to understand the concept discussed here, but some of us don't know that "it's a thing". The days of a GM just running a game and everyone being happy are gone. We need to be careful of people's feelings and beliefs. I like the way Jim brings this point home. You don't need 50 pages of text to make a point. Well done!
First time through wasn't perfect, but MAN did we have fun!!! We had four characters that at first didn't seem like they would have any reason to talk. First up was "Dad", the gold-digger of the family trying to gain acceptance through his constant offer of cheese. Second was "the foreigner" from Canada, sent to spy on the dinner party by his government, a stupid mission in his opinion. Third was "The General" who didn't seem to lilke the foreigner much. Fourth was the host's sister and her little dog who mostly stayed quiet. After a short time socializing, the lights went out and the host was found dead. Accusations flew, the murder weapon was found, a neighbor was killed and found with cheese crumbs in his beard. Every dank, dark hallway, attic, guest room was searched for evidence when the guests weren't arguing about cheese.
Everyone seemed to have fun. I know I wasn't handing out drama points for every scene so the ending was a bit muddled. I'll surely run this again after rereading the rules. I don't blame the system, content or players at all. We had a blast!
I haven't looked at D6xD6 yet, but this particular file gives a good compressed view of what I know of Seventh Crown. Hopefully the full blown Seventh Crown Setting comes out in the next year!
For those of us who like a little humor in our games. These rings are great to throw into a hoarde treasure pile for the greediest of adventurers. Some will be great additions, others will seem like curses. They'll all be interesting to say the least. :-)
The only thing that I would ask to be added to these awesome ship and space station files would be a "counter" or "token" to be used for online gaming. I use Roll20.net and plan to use this as my party's home base in an upcoming Traveller game. :)
No other complaints from me!!
The only thing that I would ask to be added to these awesome ship files would be a "counter" or "token" to be used for online gaming. I use Roll20.net and plan to use this as my party's ship in an upcoming Traveller game. :)
No other complaints from me!!
This is an improved version of the Traveller d20 book, with the "serial numbers" filed off. I love the original and plan to use THIS version as a lower cost resource for my players to buy. :)
Not only do you get some nice maps, but also get small descriptions of the people who live in the different areas. Definitely a good start for a new GM.
If you're just looking for NPC stats on pretty "index cards" with check boxes for stat damage then these are for you. Each of the races is represented here.
A few things that I didn't like though: The pictures are just silhouettes of the basic race/class, I'd have preferred at least line drawings or character "head shots". The weapons and armor are ALL unarmored and armed only with unarmed stats, which is fine but there are no spaces for adding weapons and armor. You have to write outside the boxes. There is no background flavor text at all.
These are useful, but not complete NPCs.
The Protocol system is a refreshing way to handle a storytelling game. It's not your typical RPG. You and your friends are basically using a toolkit to determine random events, characters, and the characters' motivations. Then once you have most of this determined, you set out to "play" the game. It's more of a structured storytelling really.
I LOVE the ideas in Joan of Arc, a space station crashing to Earth and you get to decide how the team of experts save it, or at the very least minimize damage to the world below. I will be buying more of these games in the future!
I had no idea what to expect from this little pdf. I have been a DM/GM/storyteller.. for 30 years. I started out with a pad of graph paper and a pencil imagining and drawing maps. Monsters were randomly placed and wandered all over. Adventurers got their quests in a bar from a little old man posting a note on the wall.
This pdf took me fondly back to those days. You don't have to start at Hex 1 and end at hex 14. It's designed in a way that you could start almost anywhere. It gives you a large area, background on the different sites and monster tribes. Tells you WHY that town is in the middle of hills.
All you as the GM needs is to have SOMETHING out of the ordinary happen there. Using whatever rule system you want, make up an encounter that changes the normal life of the inhabitants and everyone else will just fall into place.
What is really nice is that you don't have to know the history of a setting, like Dragonlance, Greyhawk, Lankhmar.. just make up your own. :)
I enjoyed the beta-test but wasn't too sure about what the final result would look like. I'm really happy with the end result. It's a flashback to 1st Ed D&D without the annoying negative armor classes and confusing saving throws.
I bought the original module in print many years ago and love running it for new players. I saw it in PDF and had to have it. I've been selling my old modules when I buy the new PDFs.
I bought the original module in print many years ago and love running it for new players. I saw it in PDF and had to have it. I've been selling my old modules when I buy the new PDFs.