Dungeon World |
$10.00 |
Average Rating:4.6 / 5 |
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As others have said, more or less, this is the fantasy RPG I didn't know I was missing. I'm a fan of Powered by the Apocalypse games and this one is a great implementation of those concepts. I'm also a fan of organic world building, and Dungeon World includes the tools to support that. I've played a couple of sessions, only, so the full extent of the values of fronts and the other, similar tools has not been fully realized, but the structure makes the value of those tools clear to me. It's on my short list and I look forward to playing more.
Dungeon World is a great RPG. I highly recommend it. This book, however, is a little hard to read and get the feel for the system so one point off for that.
It's imperative that you download the free FAQ with this book and read it. It is required reading.
I found the information for the DM to be lacking in this book but there is an excellent book called the Prepless GM that fills in that niche. I highly recommend you get it with this. It's like the missing DM guide for Dungeon World.
This is simply awesome to introduce new players to TTRPG's. Very well done, flows well and is reasonably well balanced. I had to tweak the monsters a bit but that was simple. I do use some house rules not because they were needed but because it is how I like to play so that is no reflection on the game. Very well done game that I think is stronger for its simplicity instead of weaker.
This game has been a source of many very entertaining campaigns. The rules-light story forward system allows for a fast paced game where it's truly friends writing story together, not flipping through pages and trying to find the right rule for every situation. I'm not at all surprised how much other material has been inspired by this system (I understand it's not the true original).
The balance of difficult complete success against partial or complete failure makes for story that isn't an easy walk through (although it can get there a bit at higher levels). The idea of success coming at a cost makes sense for story telling.
There were some great ideas in this, and I enjoyed the read. In the end though it just didn't tick off enough of the boxes to become my new "go to" system. It's been a while since I read this, but some things I really didn't care for were it's elegant systems. I understand how most of them are supposed to work, and appreciate the effort at streamlining fantasy gaming, I just didn't care for these particular systems.
SWADE eventually won, and I will be running it for a long time.
Ok, so I haven't actually played this yet. But I've been reading through the book and trying to understand it. I am new to table top RPG's but I'm super, super keen to play. I just need to find some friends willing to play.
Any way, having looked at D&D I thought: "ugh, too confusing." Then I came across DW and I knew this would be the one for me.
I love that it's the fiction that drives the game, you don't take turns in battles, you take turns telling the story. And the biggest thing is that
You play to find out what happens. You're not trying to drive a pre-written narrative.
I can't wait to play this and see what happens!
I also love the way it's written, there is so much in there that spikes your imagination. You'll be coming up with your own ideas as you read it.
The artwork is cool too, it speaks of advetnure, fun and fancy rather than hardcore and serious. Kinda like Terry Pratchett!
Dungeon World is far from perfect but I could not rate it less than 5 stars simply because few books have ever had a more profound impact on my time as an RPG player and GM. As written, Dungeon World has a lot of quirks and oddities - some moves certainly feel better than others - but it heavily succeeds in what it sets out to do and that's to make a narrative forward game aimed at heroic fantasty stories. I would definitely recommend grabbing Perilous Wilds, which I think does a good job improving on some base rules and classes, and allows for really freeform storytelling. Abstracting things like journies and travel can feel weird, but it can actually lead to more organic and better told stories, as you have freedom to tailor it to the narrative needs and beats that you are in.
Dungeon World represents a very different approach to FRPing than most of the traditional FRPs (Runequest, Thieves World, D&D, BRP, and the list goes on). It differs in that it operates somewhat like a chain story or improvisational theater; You are encouraged to find out things about the world and the characters in play rather than fleshing out a setting ahead of time, the characters seem to have the initiative and a good chunk of the agency in terms of what an adventure will look like and how it will unfold, and the GM is primarily executing the role of the improv partner - when presented with a piece of information, it isn't denied but instead one asks 'and then' or 'yes but' or 'and because of that'.... you work with what the players give you.
Mechanically, they call the actions players take as 'Moves' and the GM responds to moves to add drama, ratchet up the excitement, and to create new things for the players have to handle with their next Move, which again triggers a GM response.
I've not actually played it, because my group can often need prodded to action and a game that requires for them to take narrative control at times and to lead the story is just not something that I feel would succeed. So, a caveat then to my recommendation of this interesting game product: If you have a party that naturally would lean into the role of story drivers, then you have the right group for Dungeon World. If you have a quiet and generally-only-reactive group of players, then perhaps Dungeon World is not for you.
The other caveat I would say is that you do need to have a discussion with your players so that they understand they have a responsibility to make the story interesting but also one not to wreck the story by narrating things that conflict dramatically with previously established campaign facts or setting (too greatly anyway) and they should add interesting things but be aware of the possibility of creating something incoherent if everyone is adding wild, different things that don't work together. It might be better to focus on one character's backstory or his motivations and goals in a scene or adventure more than just everyone throwing in stuff like mad. That would maintain a coherence to narrative that may be more satisfying.
I'd recommend owning this game even if only to see a very different way to run an FRPG session. It's not like any other FRPG I've seen and I suspect it would take some getting used to, especially for experienced DMs and players of other gaming systems that are more 'GM presents the setting and key events, players react'.
Literally changed the way I approach Role-Playing Games. While this game may not be for everyone, I would insist that everyone wishing to improve at playing or running RPGs at least read it, as there's surely something to learn. Can't recommend this enough.
I won't waste time reviewing this product as it's been reviewed to death. Chances are, if you're here then you already know what Dungeon World is about. Let me say that if you're on the fence, DON'T HESITATE AND JUST BUY IT. The gameplay is very fun and satisfying, and if you get the bundle the GM's guide is just chock full of great info that can actually be used to enhance just about any other RPG system. Hands down a great buy!
If you like D&D but feel it focuses too much on game mechanics and not enough on story, this is the game for you. While it preserves most of the feel of D&D, especially old-school flavor, it does so by sweeping away most of the crunchiness and getting to what matters most while still recognizably paying homage to its source material.
In my mind, if you redesigned D&D for streaming, it would basically just be DW.
Some notes and suggestions.
- The game itself is topnotch. Excellent system. Well written. Five stars. Buy it.
- The e-book version, which is greatly appreciated, has some wonky graphical issues and missing headers (I'm using Google Play Books), but it reads fine.
- A number of downloaders are confused by the multiple files. Although it seems pretty straightforward to me, maybe some explanation is required. I would, however, eliminate the "all files" zip archive since DriveThru zips the files anyway.
- If there is ever a second edition, I recommend having the cover artist do the interior illustrations as well.
None of these quibbles diminish my wholehearted enthusiasm for this book. Enjoy!
I love using this system to introduce new folks to the world of tabletop RPGs. Fast and fun, while still retaining a familiar flavour that even seasoned gamers can enjoy. Dungeon World nudges the unique Apocalypse World resolution system into more comfortable territory, making it a solid way to shift traditional gamers into a more narrative system as well. This book has everything you need to run a game-- any game-- with minimal prep and maximum enjoyment. Highly recommended.
Im new to the system but not roll playing games and I found this to be a breath of fresh air. This is such an easy setup, simple rules to get new folks to game and a very fulling move and pacing system that I've fallen in love with. I'm not sure I can go back to traditional D&D any more...
Just played my first ever session as a GM with a group that had never played an RPG before (myself included) and we all loved it, it's the day after and the entire group are already asking me when out next session will be!
The rulebook makes starting very easy for new players but I can see how easily it can have more complex levels added to it, I highly reccomend Dungeon World.