2452 occupations to be precise, read through and conjure up what manner of men and women plied this trades... perhaps to add a little spice to a character's background - "My father was a waterproof garment maker, so at least I know how to keep myself dry when it rains!" - or to make the fellow you strike up a conversation with down the tavern a little more interesting, as he's a tobacco spinner (maker of cigars) he could use a good stripper... of tobacco leaves, dear heart, not what YOU were thinking! (If you are looking for individuals of negotiable affection, they are in there too, never fear.)
It's not clear how you can generate these randomly, it would need to be a wierd assortment of die-rolls, but never mind... read them and use whatever jumps out as entertaining, intriguing or appropriate to your needs. Some are slang terms, some the actual designation of the trade in question, all seem as far as I can tell accurate and true to the period, a fascinating time as the industrial revolution took hold and many people struck out in new directions rather than following in the family trade without question.
Excellent for giving flavour to your world, be it historical or a Victorian-era Call of Cthulhu or Vampire game, or maybe a spot of steampunk takes your fancy.