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Beldany: The Fey Kingdom
Publisher: Polyhedron Games LLC
by Ed S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/25/2012 05:52:34

This "fey kingdom" has many more elves than other folk or creatures of Faerie. It's a little difficult to open: you must first download Scribus, which prompts you to download Ghostscript so that you can view the artwork and (apparently) the original fonts -- I'm not sure, since I can't get Ghostscript to run. Beldany is a good read, otherwise, but I regret the extra time spent figuring out how to open the file, and I'm fairly sure I would've enjoyed it more if I could've viewed the artwork. Those who are more adept with computers may not have those problems.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Beldany: The Fey Kingdom
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