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Beldany: The Fey Kingdom $5.00
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Beldany: The Fey Kingdom
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Beldany: The Fey Kingdom
Publisher: Polyhedron Games LLC
by Robert D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/20/2013 16:56:23

I purchased and downloaded this file. It's a SLA file. Had to download a program that would read it, "Scribus", and then none of the graphics show up! Very dissappointed!

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you so much. I'm still working out bugs in my stuff. RPGNow's print program recommends Scribus so I'm going to need to set all that stuff up in pdf. Once that's done, I'll make it available to you and the two other reviewers. My computer skills are pretty abysmal as well.
It took me awhile to get it figured out, but the product is now completely in pdf form. Anyone who has purchased this with the .sla cover can receive the revision just by emailing We're all gamers, so I expect honesty. Please don't SPAM my box!
Beldany: The Fey Kingdom
Publisher: Polyhedron Games LLC
by Ed S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/25/2012 05:52:34

This "fey kingdom" has many more elves than other folk or creatures of Faerie. It's a little difficult to open: you must first download Scribus, which prompts you to download Ghostscript so that you can view the artwork and (apparently) the original fonts -- I'm not sure, since I can't get Ghostscript to run. Beldany is a good read, otherwise, but I regret the extra time spent figuring out how to open the file, and I'm fairly sure I would've enjoyed it more if I could've viewed the artwork. Those who are more adept with computers may not have those problems.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Beldany: The Fey Kingdom
Publisher: Polyhedron Games LLC
by Randie D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/30/2012 18:23:44

I havent actually gotten it. There was an error in the File Delivery and Drive Thru is looking into it. I love the fey, so am still waiting to get it and look it over.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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