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Spaces of the Unknown
Publisher: Brent P. Newhall's Musaeum
by Marc D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/24/2018 03:06:00

Brent Newhall has done it again, and this may be his best yet. Brent has been creating OSR -inspired, simplified, stripped-down old school D&D systems for some time: Dungeon Delvers, Dungeon Raiders, Murderhobos, and now Spaces of the Unknown. Designed for play by post games with streamlined mechanics, this system is based on the minimalist ruleset Searchers of the Unknown. The basic concept here is that the PCs get the same stats as the monsters: AC, Mv, HP, etc. - and that's it.

PCs are limited to fighters (with an interest in thievery, of course) who do the adventuring at the request of wizards, clerics, etc. Clear, concise rules are provided to cover all the situations: combat, skills checks based on AC, and saving throws. A very interesting and dark magic system is provided that allows PCs to become limited spellcasters (if they find a wizard to teach them), and this is linked to treasures. Rules for leveling up are included as well as tips for play by post. To complete the package, the game comes with adventures with maps and monsters.

Although Brent had play by post in mind, there is nothing to prevent one from using this rule set for in person gaming as well. I can see this being a game to run at a convention, as PC creation is a snap and play is simple.

Being an OSR game, it is a breeze to add stuff to tweak to your liking. I am running a PbP sword & sorcery flavor game right now and this system adapts well to any change I want.

Spaces of the Unknown is a fine addition to the OSR.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Spaces of the Unknown
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Edge of Space: Science Fiction Roleplaying
Publisher: Chubby Monster Games
by Marc D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/02/2014 09:44:49

As fan of the Warhammer 40k fiction and boardgames, I was looking for a rules-lite and affordable alternative to the thick and costly RPG books from Fantasy Flight -- and I found it!

This nice little d6 system has it all - character creation, weapons/gear, skill checks, combat, enemy stats, movement. There is an even information for the setting and includes a mini-module adventure.

As to what this game is "lacking", well that's a matter of opinion. For me I like making it up on my own by using my imagination.

Time to purge the xenos threat...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Edge of Space: Science Fiction Roleplaying
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Schweig's Themed Dungeon Generator
Publisher: Griffon Publishing Studio
by Marc D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/04/2014 17:16:05

I have been looking for a tool to use for solo gaming. This seems to fit the bill. It allows for your creativity and the possibilities are endless. You can scale and design an adventure to your needs which is particularly helpful when designing solo quests. Mr. Schweigs gives you ideas for each dungeon element, showing you how to skew or balance dice rolls to fit the theme of the delve you had in mind. He also provides two examples to get you going.

It will take some trial and error to strike that "perfect" dungeon design but that is part of the fun.

Now back to finding Margog, the giant spider who has claimed too many lives...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Schweig's Themed Dungeon Generator
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Folklore: A Rules-Light Roleplaying Game
Publisher: Folklore RPG
by Marc D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/21/2013 09:44:48

This is a great little RPG system. I like to keep things simple and Folklore sure meets that requirement. Character creation, skill checks, combat, etc., - it is all here on a couple of pages. If you like to use your imagination and come up with your own character concepts and adventures without a lot of flipping through thick books for hours on end, Folklore is worth checking out. It is the ultimate in freedom and flixibiltiy.

I am into the fantasy genre and I like to go on solo adventures as well as group. I use the Mythic GM Emulation system by Tom Pigeon, and Seth's Folklore goes very well with it. I have created a very streamlined and barebones game system by combing the two.

Seth has a nice blog with some product support , with examples of character creation and monster creation. Don't let Seth's cute (but awesome!) drawings fool you. I am using this game with traditional, high fantasy game storylines.

Not complaining -- just a request. It would be awesome to have a bestiary with some stock monsters!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Folklore: A Rules-Light Roleplaying Game
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