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Edge of Space: Science Fiction Roleplaying
Publisher: Chubby Monster Games
by Brett B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/19/2014 22:36:09

The game is what it is. It's eight pages of a minimalist attempt at a complete game setting. What it is not is what the reviewers made it out to be. Not that playable. Not that complete. Not that wonderful. It's a simple 2d6 game without much of anything that is innovative or clever in it's mechanics or setting. At a buck, I don't mind taking a chance. However, my expectations were ratcheted up by the reviews. I don't think I'll get another game based on the reviews. Having the text in various formats is a plus, but there are certainly better systems and more complete games that are completely free.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Edge of Space: Science Fiction Roleplaying
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