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Cold & Dark
Publisher: Modiphius
by Penny O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/08/2013 16:46:48

My first intro to this game was a one-off session at a gaming convention; it's presented simply enough that someone with absolutely no experience with it can easily get into the swing of it, while still being complex and intriguing enough to have me buying it. The "cold" and "dark" stats are an interesting mechanic that adds to storytelling, giving players a sense of how their character is being effected that's more than just "you're a bit scared". The attributes and skills are a refreshing change from the more common "strength/dex/con" style attributes, and the world building, while definitely inspired by various other science-fiction works, is unique enough that it doesn't feel overly derivative.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cold & Dark
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