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D6xD6 RPG Core Book
Publisher: Lester Smith Games
by joshua r. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/01/2015 15:50:15

Very rich die mechanic that also allows for a very 'lite' rpg in terms of mechanical overhead but while still allowing for many character and tactical options.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
D6xD6 RPG Core Book
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Redemption: A Game of Tactics and Consequences
Publisher: Silent Spirits Games
by joshua r. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/14/2014 22:30:11

I backed this game on Kickstarter on a whim as there is a derth of good 'classic' sci-fi amongst RPGs outside of the various incarnations of Traveller and a couple of recent FATE based games. Redemption was quite a surprise in that I got a very playable package that includes rules for everything from the personal scale to fleet level combat. The rule system I would describe as a mix of old and new school mechanics as it uses some aspect-like elements where it makes sense, and old fashioned crunch where it does not, thus avoiding some of the abstraction death spirals that FATE can find itself in (if 'being on fire' takes as long to explain/implement with 'new school' mechanics as grappling does with old school mechanics, it is a problem...) The included universe looks quite interesting, but the rules are not married to them and there is a very robust construction section for working out the toys needed to populate your own universe.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Redemption: A Game of Tactics and Consequences
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Cold & Dark
Publisher: Modiphius
by joshua r. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/03/2012 15:28:12

Also not a reviewer, but picked this one up after reading the quick-start.

The executive summary:

A gameworld and system that essentially supports Aliens/Prometheus/Deadspace/Serenity all tied into one.

The system uses a dice pool of D8s which is a bit inconvenient for those of us with enough d10s and d6s for pool games based on those dice, but it really does seem to work, especially having two 'zoom' levels for combat, handling close, small number fights as well as scaling up to handle the marines/rebels holding off a horde of undead/pirates/aliens burning through magazines while one of their number struggles desperately to open a hatch to make a hasty retreat.

(Added bonus for a sci-fi game: starship combat that is fun...)

The Cold in the title is fear, and the Dark is essentially madness. If you like the genre, and you don't at least give the quick-start a look, you already have maxed out your level of Dark... :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cold & Dark
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