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D&D Rules Cyclopedia (Basic)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Nathanael C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/13/2015 16:56:01

Huzzah! This rocks my world. My favorite edition, now digital! No matter how many other games I play, I always come back to the good ol' Rules Cyclopedia again and again.

Warning: this file is HUGE. It works very well in each reader app I've tried (both on win8 and iOS), and it has bookmarks too.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
D&D Rules Cyclopedia (Basic)
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Cold & Dark
Publisher: Modiphius
by Nathanael C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/05/2015 21:41:01

UPDATED Short and Simple Review: 5 Stars!

  • Thematically evocative of my favorite video game series ever (Dead Space), so that's a big plus. And it really hits that nail on the head, quite solidly.
  • Mechanics are straight and to the point, and that's always great.
  • No option for a PoD version is very, very saddening.
  • The creator fixed some technical concerns I posted prior - the newly-optimized file (with bookmarks!) is now MUCH easier to use on my tablet. Yay!

It was an interesting read, and the setting is quite vast and detailed. This is pretty much perfect for my "Dead Space by another name" tabletop gaming! Now my only lingering complaint, and it's a minor one: put that sweet, sweet cover image on the front of the document, not the end! =)

PRIOR Complaints, addressed!:

  • The PDF is not bookmarked! At 300+ pages, that makes it a massive chore to actually use, and that means I'll never run this. Instant one-star removal. Add some useful bookmarks and that will go up immediately.
  • File needs some serious size optimization, maybe a trimmed-down print version. It's simply gargantuan in dimensions, which makes tablet viewing a slow hassle.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cold & Dark
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Earthdawn Player's Guide (Savage Worlds Edition)
Publisher: FASA
by Nathanael C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/17/2013 16:13:42

This product definitely falls into the "less than mediocre" range of books I've purchased. As a lover of both the Earthdawn setting and the Savage Worlds rules, I had some high hopes for this conversion, but they were quickly dashed upon the rocks after opening it up to read. It seems as if the writers didn't understand the Savage Worlds game at all. Instead of giving the setting a qualified conversion, they just shoe-horned all of the Earthdawn rules and abilities into an almost exact copy-paste, with just the mechanical terms themselves swapped out for the Savage Worlds equivalents.

As a result, this product is little more than a forced cash-grab. At least the setting information collected inside is decent enough to make it just barely worth two stars.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Earthdawn Player's Guide (Savage Worlds Edition)
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Teratic Tome
Publisher: Neoplastic Press
by Nathanael C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/17/2013 16:05:15

This is hands-down the best collection of OSR-compatible creatures I've yet read. After reading through twice, I'm definitely ready to inflict monstrous suffering upon my group's characters! My only complaint is the plethora of female-only sexualized creatures. I don't have a problem with that, except that it would be nice for more of a gender balance there. I hope that any future follow-ups might add more gender variety in its perversions.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Teratic Tome
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