Bought it today because I am a D&D GM, this play aids look good to me :).
The best timeline-neutral L5R edition so far.
Rules are clear, PDF index is very complete.
A lot of useful things for Icons. For me it was mainly C, G, H, K, O, T and W but I thinnk every GM will find something of use in it :).
Great Power apporte plus de pouvoirs et surtout de précision sur ces pouvoirs mais aussi pas mal de précision sur les gadgets et véhicule, un must !. Great powers gives you more powers but moreover more precision to their functionning and more morever, gadget and vehicles, a must have book.
le supplément pour M&M que j'ai attendu une bonne partie de ma vie, le supplément pour jouer des aventures spatiales épiques...et cosmiques :).
This was the sourcebook I'v waited for most of my life, want to play cosmic and epic adventures, this is it :)
Vous voulez faire un remake des Gardiens de la Galaxie dans l'univers de Freedom City ? Maintenant vous avez les personnages pour le faire :).
Wanna make a Guardians of the Galaxy remake ? Now you have the characters to do it :).
Everything you need for a superhero RPG : light rules, easy character creation, gear, and even an adventure. All you need is this game and a few d6 and let's save the world !
A very useful sourcebook for any superhéro gamemaster.
A great sourcebook for combining horror, supernatural and super-heroes.
This review is based on reading only. I have not yet played the game.
Bash does not seems to be a complicated RPG. The basic book contains all what is needed to play and run the game : character creation with small and not overwhelming budget, easy rules to play (if you know multiplications), a lot of powers to choose, good advice for the game master, a setting chapter who describes 10 of the most used comics settings and how to implement them in play and a lot of already made heroes and villains for all power levels covered by the game.
It is a game I could run somehow in the future. My only small gripes are : Hit Points, I don’t think Hit Points is a good thing in a superhero RPG and the tactical aspect of the game which, I think is playable without a battlegrid but seems to requires one anyway.
Well, Icons is not my main superhero game, this honor goes to another game of the same game designer, Steve Kenson.
But Steve Kenson is a genius and he likes to tinker with different game engines for his superheros games and it gave me the need to read Icons, then Icons Assembled Edition and now Origins.
Origins is I think an interesting book for those who want to have more options for creating characters for Icons, from the archetypes who are more or less the same of M&M revamped quite intelligently for Icons :), from the point based creation which is a bit refined from the core book to the modeling character creation to the knacks. Everything in this book will be useful one way or the other for any Icons GM but also players :).
The best version of BESM even if the 3ed edition has its lots of improvement, it is also more hearvyweight rulewise. This book has all : mecha, magic, sentai, shojo, shonen with very light rules.
I had previously read the 1st editon of Icons, the french translation since we were lucky in France to have one.
This "1.5" Assembled Edition is a very refined version of the first Icons, the mechanics has changed a little because the GM is now also throwing dice for the opposition but this is still the same mechanic overall.
What you can do with qualities have been delimited and unified and you have now possibilities to create your character with points but, the random method is still the best if you want to keep the Icons flavour :).
There is now rules for experience, world building, villains building and Icons can now more easily be played in campaign, but I think that there are more adapted games for that ;).
Overall, I never regretted to buy this and this is a much more Iconic Icons than the first :).
Le seul jeu de rôle de super-héros créé par la défunte Guardians of Order et co-écrit par Steve Kenson lui-même qui est ensuite devenu célèbre pour son jeu Mutants & Masterminds.
Le système est une version un peu plus technique du Tri-Stat utilisé dans BESM et il n'y a pas vraiment de garde fou concernant la construction des super-pouvoirs, un MJ vigilant est donc recommandé. Le systeme se veut simple mais ne l'est pas tout à fait une fois la couche super-héroïque ajoutée, mais il fonctionne tout de meme et met l'accent sur l'histoire et le roleplay.
Deux bémols : le PDF n'est pas indexé et il fait 300 pages donc pour chercher, ce n'est pas évident. Le fait d'utiliser des points de vie n'est peut-être pas le plus adapté à un jeu de super-héros.
Très bonne seconde édition de 7th Sea. L'article contient plusieurs PDF : deux cartes (une en couleur, une en noir et blanc), deux PDF du jeu (un en haute résolution, un en basse résolution) et une feuille de personnage.
Le jeu est lui même excellent avec un systeme qui encourage l'héroïsme et l'action.