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Megabook M2
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Megabook M2
Publisher: CE Publishing Group
by Keith M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/09/2014 03:01:05

Chori Rider: First Ember - Feels like something is missing between the first and second page.

Herodotus Underwear - Okay, but didn't make me laugh.

Note On A Contract Pending - The art's not great and the story kind of loses it at the end with a plot twist out of nowhere.

Solomon Wyrd in Once More A Serpent Rises - Nice art. Not a bad story.

Zomboid The Zombie Android in Awakenings - The art is kind of fitting for a horror type story. The writing might be okay for a longer story, but with just four pages to show off very little is learned about the backstory and the characters are just there, with no reason to care for, or against, them.

The Lake Monster - Tries to be a monster/horror story, but doesn't really have a story to support the events we see. Had potential, but needed a rewrite or two. Art could be better.

Marco Alvarado - Art is okay, but the story is slight and the science wonky.

Cursed By Moonlight - Okay, if predictable, one-pager.

Pyrokinetic Oblivious - Cute. Nicely shows the unintended consequences of a superpower.

Gateway City Betrayal - The art's not bad, the story's kind of depressing.

Thereafter - Okay, but nothing special story.

Demon Fist: Volume 1 Chapter 3 - Art's okay, there's action and backstory, but no reason to care for or against the main character.

Left Me For Dead - Moody, actiony revenge story with no character development.

Slade Vs. The Terror Klowns - Action story with little character development.

Fallin' - An interesting idea, but not much is done with it. It's just kinda there.

True Life - Interesting look at zombification from the zombie POV, but also a bit nasty.

Blood Brothers in Arms - Okay science fiction story.

Aurora - Okay story & art.

Diamond - Odd story, but okay art.

Astral Crusaders - Nice art, Okay action adventure story.

Perfect - Interesting story about a... dark superhero.

The Gifted Path - Dull story and the art doesn't work to try and make it interesting.

The Legacy - Not my cup of tea.

Cygnus - An attempt to get back to comics with larger than life actions, but the art isn't that good.

Red Devil - Good art, stories a bit confusing, but okay.

Trigger - The writing is okay, but would probably work better as a full story.

The Uncanny - Bizarre, but then I think that's the point of this story.

Terror Klowns The Dark Stories - If you like horror you might like this. I didn't.

Twilight Of The Gods - Interesting set-up, art's not bad.

Death Of A Hero - Interesting idea, but not told all that well. Needed more fleshing out.

Young Socrates Goes For A Walk - Interesting.

Perish From This Earth - I'm sick to death of zombie apocalypse stories, although the underlying message of this one was nice.

Nephlim - Okay set-up to a longer story.

Pantheon - A little too vague to work well as a set-up.

The Bang Bang Theory - Fun little romp.

Xeros - Okay little SF short, but nothing special.

Q and A with Alpha Q - Fun little comic. Nice art and funny writing.

Man of God - Interesting set-up to the story, but it just didn't grab me and make me care about the main character.

Catfight Sampler - The story was okay for what it was, but since the main two characters are supposed to be sixth graders it would have been nice if the artist actually knew how to draw sixth graders.

Horror Takes A Holiday - Uhhhh... yeah... some amusing meta-humor, but it goes on too long.

Distant Fields - Okay supernatural story, the art could have been better.

Kisses From the Devil - Art is not good and the story doesn't tell much about Albert Kiss or the crimes he committed past the basic details.

The Big Cover-Up! - Nice art, but the story wasn't much.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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