The game is excellent as an updating of the 2nd Edition AD&D rules. It is NOT a clone. It is a reimagining of the original game with a more modern sensibility in terms of mechanics. If you are familiar with 2nd Edition this will be easy and comfortable to pick up. The nice thing is that the designer took all the best stuff from the Complete Class guides and the Player's Options books and added them in a non-obtrusive way that is completely optional.
Combat is quick and exciting. A grid or miniatures is completely optional. The rules are simple enough that very little has to be referenced at the table. I've run battles with 8 PC's and about 20 opponents that ran quickly without bogging down.
My only gripe is that the game is incomplete. The Gamemaster's Guide is not a finished product and there is no bestiary other than a few monsters in the GMG. Of course, the original 2nd Edition monsters are very easily hacked to Myth and Magic but it'd be nice if those conversions were done.