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Tavern Kit - Part 1 : Names & Symbols $0.50
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Tavern Kit - Part 1 : Names & Symbols
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Tavern Kit - Part 1 : Names & Symbols
Publisher: Ennead Games
by Michael R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/23/2021 22:19:36

I've had this product for many years and have used this a number of times with my solo and regular GM style games to get interesting ideas. You can either roll, or just pick what seems interesting and relevant for your game and setting.

Recently I used a product by a different vendor to get a hook with a brief description of a tavern frequented by and catering to apprentice wizards. It fit nicely as my town had a wizard academy. But I needed a name!

As a previous reviewer said, I like the information about how the name of the tavern would be reflected in the pictoral sign outside due to people being illiterate. I rolled up a few combinations and came up with The Crying Harpy! I love it! With the idea of what the sign might look like, I think it'd be very interesting!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Tavern Kit - Part 1 : Names & Symbols
Publisher: Ennead Games
by Benjamin M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/28/2012 08:36:45

For the price it is a very nice set of lists and idea's on how to combine them to make inn and tavern names. They also point out that many in the time period historiclly could not read and the sign would be a symbolic form of the name so it could be reconized with out being read. They also suggest that sign's could have stayed the same and the taven or inn could have chaged names for any number of reasons, any of which could for GM lead to an adventure hook or back story to add to their campain.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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