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Fearless Dawn: Belly of the Beast (Special Edition) #1 $2.95 $1.99
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Fearless Dawn: Belly of the Beast (Special Edition) #1
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Fearless Dawn: Belly of the Beast (Special Edition) #1
Publisher: Asylum Press
by John G. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 09/06/2012 07:26:04

There is a place for Fearless Dawn in your collection. Creator Steve Mannion resurrects all the best elements of the early EC comics . . . the good-girl art, the clever humor, the frenetic panels, and the gruesome creatures. He blends in some modern-day sensibilities (reminiscent of Mike Allred's work) and creates something that will hold up for years to come.

The story is a bit madcap, which matches the art nicely. This book will give you some engaging and fun reading.

It's hard to know exactly when this takes place, but the settings and characters suggest a range in 1935-1945. The writer places us "16 years later" to start the story, staying in that time period throughout. We see Nazis. We see goons hyped up on a super-soldier Combat Drug. And the battleground is that hot spot known as Manitoba.

The book is a lot of fun. I am excited to keep reading this story.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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