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Unhallowed Necropolis $32.95 $16.00
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Unhallowed Necropolis
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Unhallowed Necropolis
Publisher: New Dark Age
by Tim-Oliver H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/24/2012 19:02:00

As with the core rulebook we have here a nice expansion of a very interesting second. The artwork is also nice although again kind of sexist.

But again the author struggled to make the rules easily comprehensible and clear, leaving too much room for interpretation (what sucks big time in such a complex system), we have usual errors like leaving out the XP-costs for raising devotions (the psychic powers), although it is mentioned in the text that it is possible and wanted... The worst part with the psychic powers - one of the core themes of Unhallowed Necropolis - is that according to setting description that the crazier you become the more powerful you become. Problem is that according to system you just buy new levels with XP.

To add insult to injury the author gave the psychic calling access to stunts which can make such a character easily next to immune to mental disorders.

So the further information are great but for me "system does matter" and this here is just broken. It wouldn't be that bad if the publisher showed any interest in their customers and had established customers support.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Unhallowed Necropolis
Publisher: New Dark Age
by Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 10/26/2012 17:32:14

Necropolis expands upon the basic zombie, post-apocalyptic, neo-Victorian setting, and introduces the more spiritual and mental horrors of the setting. Ghosts, psychics and the mad. Once more the book is gorgeous monochrome with excellent art and photography that drives home the theme and mood of this part of the setting. Writing is once more provided by Jason Soles (Warmachine/Hordes/Iron Kingdoms RPG), Nicole Vega, and additional work is provided by Simon Berman, amongst others. George Higham who also wrote content is also the sculptor for the cover art of the book. Speaking of art, we once more have work by Brian Snoddy (Privateer Press artwork for Warmachine and Hordes) and Melissa Uran (Exalted). We also have great photography of awesome looking models.

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[5 of 5 Stars!]
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