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School Daze
Publisher: TheOtherDev Productions
by Andy C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/02/2013 13:11:56

School Daze is quickly becoming my favorite system for one-shots and con games, bar none. It's simple enough for players to ramp up with quickly and feel comfortable, basic enough to introduce new gamers with and complete enough to keep us number-crunchers satisfied.

The game is a natural draw for imaginative roleplay and humor, and it's flexible enough that it can be applied to all manner of settings with a common core players can easily relate to. I definitely prefer it for more light-hearted games, but there's certainly potential for more somber roleplay and richer campaigns.

It is far and away the fastest system I've ever used. Games that would take twice as long in any other system (even simple ones) just fly by, which I chalk up to there being just enough structure that players know where to begin, but not so much that they get paralyzed considering all their options.

All in all, a spectacular system, with a wide range of potential. Highly recommended for those looking for light-hearted humor and a break from the ordinary.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
School Daze
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