Giltch is the latest installment of Jenna Moran's Nobilis IP, presented using a new ruleset. Glitch contains all of the virtues of her previous work - that strange energy that pervades the worlds she describes, the example of play that aptly communicates the intended experience, the diceless mechanic that provides meaningful restraints on activity even while it enables fantastical activities.
It is also sharply improved by being more accessible than many of her previous works. I've enjoyed Jenna's work since Nobilis 2e, but I've never been impressed by the apologetics by people who insisted that anyone who had difficulty grasping her designs was simply reading it wrong. Her previous work could be abstruse. This is not. She clearly communicates the shape of things. Even when an underlying setting element is abstruse, her writing makes the nature of that abstruseness clear to the reader, so that they do not worry that they are simply failing to grasp some concept.
Now, I'm giving this a 5 star review, but that's because it's very good at what it is trying to do. Glitch is not for everyone - it's a very specific game, for a very specific setting, and many people will simply not be interested in what it's selling. If you're interested, I strongly recommend you read the full-size preview - if you like what you see there, you'll probably eat up Glitch like popcorn. If it makes you furrow your brow, Glitch is probably not going to do much for you.