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Think Tank #1
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Think Tank #1
Publisher: Top Cow
by John G. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 08/06/2012 15:09:56

This book might surprise you. If the description doesn't not hook you, the execution of the story will.

The main character, David Loren, is a believable mix of gifted intellect and sensible lethargy. This man is years ahead of his colleagues in logical thought and technological creativity. With these gifts, it makes sense that he would be arrogant and unafraid of authority. As a result, we follow somebody who takes risks that give us a start. His brilliance makes us admire him while his treatment by authority makes us root for him.

Writer Matt Hawkins has a refreshing command of the language, turning phrases that are natural and correct. It is notable that his script avoids common errors in comics today (he writes "a whole other" instead of the easily mistaken "a whole nother," for example). Beyond that, his experience comes through in the structure of the story. The writing sets the pace, and i found myself reading more carefully as the book went on. This wasn't due to the word count; it was the natural flow of the issue.

It takes a special effort to get me to read a book steeped in science. Hawkins tricked me into it, though. The story begins with a profile of this overachieving scientist who happens to be an under-performer. It can be easy to admire somebody who lives like they are on a permanent vacation. From there, however, you get an introduction to fascinating and frightening technologies that may already be in military hands. Midway through, you are compelled to understand more of the details. You'll go back and refresh yourself on F=ma.

Artist Rahsan Ekedal is an emerging talent, best known for his work on Echoes by Joshua Hale Fialkov. With Think Tank, he has taken a noticeable step up in his storytelling and execution. There is good movement in the story, and he does a solid job expressing the emotions and subtext in his figures and faces. A good test of success is how well you can recall the story when flipping through the artwork alone. This art passes that test.

Think Tank is unsettling. It is plausible. And it's good comics. Some of the mainstream books I buy take only 5 minutes to read. This book will take more of your time, and you'll be glad for it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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