For Exposure is a thoroughly enjoyable view deep into the brain and heart of somebody just as deeply "in the industry." If you're an aspiring writer it's a great way to see what your editor/publisher is thinking behind that poker face (or maybe not-so-poker face). If you're a reader it's a great way to find out about what really goes into producing that book you love (or hate) so much. If you're a con-goer it probably just confirms everything you already know - but I wouldn't know because I haven't been to a con...yet! Sure in a sense it's advertising for Apex, but it's advertising that is actually worthwhile reading. I've never met Jason, but the book made me want to. His prose comes across as honest, insightful, and often very humorous. The near-projectile vomiting scene is hilariously excruciating (or excruciatingly hilarious, take your pick), and as a fellow kidney stone sufferer the scene in the hospital is all too familiar - but so is the blessed relief and dreamy happiness of a morphine injection.
Strongly recommended for any lover of SF, horror or publishing (if there's a difference).