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Dark Nova Roleplaying Game Quick-Start Guide $0.00
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Dark Nova Roleplaying Game Quick-Start Guide
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Dark Nova Roleplaying Game Quick-Start Guide
Publisher: Dark Nova Games
by Kev L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/13/2013 07:30:33

A good intro for people who have never played a tabletop RPG before, it has only one significant flaw: it is incredibly dependant on the players only taking a linear path and doesn't give the GM enough info on how things work for them to improvise even slightly. everything must happen in the way laid out in the campaign instructions or the whole thing starts to fall down. I tested with people who already had experience with DnD and AFMBE and a few others and the first thing one of them did in the first encounter was attempt to throw one of the other PCs at the miner, another character wanted to make a melee takedown; niether of these actions could be accomplished with the amout of info available. Aside from the above mentioned strict linearity, the guide does a very good job of introducing the core concepts used in RPGs and showcasing the races/ scenarios found in the DarkNova Universe and I would recommend it for beginnerswho are new to the genre as a first guide. 4/5

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Nova Roleplaying Game Quick-Start Guide
Publisher: Dark Nova Games
by Mark G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/03/2013 10:27:27

Unlike the other Science Fiction Role-Playing Games. Dark Nova RPG resembles the Hard Science Fiction that we know and love such as Alien and Starship Troopers. Its raw hardness shows how space is vast and full of danger and in order to survive the hardness of space, one must survive its cruelty. It's perfect as a hard sci-fi genre gaming and I Highly Recommend it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Nova Roleplaying Game Quick-Start Guide
Publisher: Dark Nova Games
by Lisa P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/22/2012 18:18:10

Nice!!!! ^^ Funkeee dice! cube with numbers! Too cute!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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