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Whore's Blade Heroics: Core Rules
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Whore\'s Blade Heroics: Core Rules
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Whore's Blade Heroics: Core Rules
Publisher: Kittiwake Classics
by Nenad R. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 08/30/2012 06:06:54

This is a very light miniatures wargame, in a parody superhero setting.

As a wargame, it is solid if unremarkable, although I do like the authors opinion that using any miniatures is just fine. I get tired of the miniatures wargames that tell you "unless you are using the recommended minatures, fully painted and pre-approved, you are doing it wrong!"

As a parody, the book fails, it is not very funny, and the setting has nothing more to offer than so many other superhero settings.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for the feedback. I think you have a point about the humour that most of it rather relies on knowing the in jokes of the comic book world (both in the storyworlds and behind the scenes.) Perhaps I should have employed my usual sledgehammer approach to satire rather than the more subtle and insidious one ;)
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