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#1 With a Bullet Point: 7 Sinful Feats of Gluttony (Full Clip!) $1.00
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#1 With a Bullet Point: 7 Sinful Feats of Gluttony (Full Clip!)
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#1 With a Bullet Point: 7 Sinful Feats of Gluttony (Full Clip!)
Publisher: Rogue Genius Games
by Sean H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 11/03/2013 16:38:39
1 with a Bullet Point: Seven Sinful Feats of Gluttony is a just what it says, seven feats, all keying off the Gluttonous feat, which allows the consumption of massive amounts of food and gaining minor benefits there from. The other six feats build off that basic idea, expanding the limits and capabilities of the glutton (best name 'Feast Healing'), to the point where they can learn to consume even magic to feed their endless hunger. It concludes with a brief discussion of the role of sinful feats in a game. Useful for unusual character builds, but not the sort of feats you will be needing all the time.

Disclosure: As a featured reviewer for RPGNow/DriveThroughRPG, I received my copy of this product for free from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

Note: Read more reviews and other gaming articles at my journal

[4 of 5 Stars!]
#1 With a Bullet Point: 7 Sinful Feats of Gluttony (Full Clip!)
Publisher: Rogue Genius Games
by Thilo G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2012 07:24:06

All right, you know the deal - this pdf is 4 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page SRD, leaving 2 pages of content for 7 new feats, so let's check them out!

The seven deadly sins are a deeply-ingrained part of Pathfinder for me - ever since the Rise of the Runelords they have been developed further and recently have seen a renaissance in Open Design's Monsters of Sin-series as well as in Rite Publishing's sin-themed templates in the last couple of issues of the FREE Pathways e-zine. Now, Owen K.C. Stephens, Super Genius Games' grandmaster of crunch, further develops the concept by introducing a new feat-subtype, the sinful feat. What are sinful feats? Essentially, they are feats, that, while not necessarily evil, draw upon the concepts of sin and thus cannot be taken by e.g. paladins. this explanation out of the way, let's check out the feats!

-Gluttonous: This is the basic for the mini-feat trees herein and enables a creature to eat more than usual and get attribute (Str, Con, Int), weapon damage or caster level bonuses as well as a bonus of 3 to saves against poison and disease at the cost of starving much faster, at double the rate, to be precise.

-Big Mouth: Grants you a 1d6 bite attack ( 1d4 for small creatures) that does not threaten areas. Boring. Seen this one done too often.

-Feast healing: Stuff yourself 15 minutes to heal as if rested Con-mod times per day.

-Gnaw: You can spend an hour gnawing on something with a hardness or DR not more than maximum bite damage x2 and reduce its hardness/DR thus. Great story-driven feat.

-Stomach Reserve: Stuff yourself with food and drink up to two potions -they remain inert in your system for up to 6 hours or until you use a swift action to activate the. Disturbing, cool, mechanically sound - I love it!

-Slurp it down: Drink two Potions in the time usually required to drink one. Ok, but again not too iconic.

-Suck it up: Ready an action to drain additional spell-slots/add to the cooldown timer of spells/spell-like abilities that hit you. Now this one is pure genius! Awesome and iconic idea, though I would have loved an 8th feat here to actually EAT the spell-effect, devouring it and gaining sustenance. Some kind of high-level capstone of gluttony...

Conclusion: Editing and formatting are top-notch, as I've come to expect from SGG. Layout adheres to the 3-column horizontal standard and the pdf has no bookmarks, but needs none at this length. The feats herein are rock-solid and utilize well the gluttony-theme and make me look forward to how SGG will cover the other sins. However, I also felt that a true capstone of sinful feats would have made the pdf complete - a feat that needs many or all of them and provides in turn a significant boost, like a more deadly bite, a permanent stomach-reservoir of potions , perhaps even a putrid-fart feat or aforementioned magic-eating. That being said, this pdf fell slightly short of the full 5 stars for me and thus, my final verdict will be 4.5 stars, rounded down to 4 for the purpose of this platform.

Endzeitgeist out.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
#1 With a Bullet Point: 7 Sinful Feats of Gluttony (Full Clip!)
Publisher: Rogue Genius Games
by Joshua G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2012 02:34:03

OK, if you aren't aware of the Bullet Point series by now, you seriously need to grab a large handful, and immerse in the ammunition goodness that is this series. Another addition for the Summer of Bullets, targeting the sin of Gluttony this time, with 7 new feats. Following the standard landscape orientation with the familiar 3 column approach, and SGG's usual top notch editing work. We get four pages this time, with two going to the new feats, and three pieces of art (one color, two B&W with the last piece reminding me so much of the pink blobby dude from the TMNT cartoon of the 80's). Now, there seems to be an embrace of the sins going on right now with a few different designers and publishers, so this just might be the first in a wave of sin inspired bullet points, only time will tell on that front. In the meantime, lets go over these, shall we?

Cool thing about these feats is they were designed for those characters who, well, eat. Gluttony can be interpreted in many ways, and I applaud the fact that these feats go straight for the jugular, and don't dance around it...nope, these feats are designed for gastronauts....and that is just plain cool. It doesn't get much more unique than that, in a game that prides itself on the uber perfection of the physical form for the hero characters, the idea of feats that are centered around one gorging on food really stands out as breaking the norm in my mind.

Opening with Big Mouth, a granted bite attack due to the strengthened jaw muscles of a world class eater, and continuing into Feast Healer, gorge for a few minutes, heal as if a day had gone by. Rumor has it this is actually the feat that started this collection, and it came about as a typo...ah, gotta love those typos that inspire, lol.

Gluttonous is our lynchpin feat, as it is a prerequisite for the remaining six feats (actually forming a few small chains). Stuffing yourself brings on no negative results, but rather allows you pick through a small selection of perks, as your feeling pretty good about yourself, and deserve a morale, having been at that point after a few big meals, I totally understood the concept of a morale bonus from power chowing...there is something to be said about the positive feeling that comes from a seriously full belly when there's no downsides. However, every day without eating is treated as two when it comes to the starvation rules, so be careful that there is enough to eat before adding this to a character sheet...hate to see the halfling get munched in the middle of the night....although I do have a recipe for halfling hotpie....

Gnaw allows you to work your way through material normally to tough for a bite, you just have to invest some time. Stomach Reserve gives you a six hour window within which to “activate” imbibed potions. I could go into details here on how and why, but seriously, this just might gross out a few folks...take my word, useful but odd, lol. Slurp It Down allows you to double up on potions when taking them, and still only use a standard action.

Suck It Up ends our new feats, and it is one heck of an ending feat. By willfully failing a save throw, you can use a readied action to absorb the energy of a spell/spell-like ability, or supernatural ability. You force your attacker to make a save, or lose additional spell slots or prepared spells, as well as having effects upon usage limits for abilities.

The PDF closes with a quick look at the feat type of sinful, and what these feats mean to the differing alignments as far as restrictions a GM should keep in mind.

Final thoughts...I can only hope this is the first in a series of sin inspired Bullet Points, and I highly recommend that one sits down with not only this product, but a choice collection of sin inspired products to release here recently. Another loaded chamber for me, and well worth the price of admission folks, a solid 5 star rating.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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