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Modern Day Gladiators - Wrestling Game $9.99
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Modern Day Gladiators - Wrestling Game
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Modern Day Gladiators - Wrestling Game
Publisher: G2 Media
by Christopher W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/25/2012 22:36:54

I picked up MDG on a whim. I have always enjoyed wrestling as a whole and any time a new RPG comes out that tries to do the professional wrestling thing, I latch on to it to see what's inside of it.

For the most part, I enjoyed the read. I'm not going to say I was a huge fan of the card based mechanic and honestly, I was puzzled at how some of the stuff could use dice and some of it couldn't. It was just an odd feeling looking at the rules and saying "I really wish I could just use dice for the entire thing."

Overall, it gets the feeling of wrestling down. It is not as detailed as some systems out there which I like. Some of it I would like a bit more explanation behind but overall, the product is good and I really hope that the writers continue to work on their game and make it even better.

It's cheap, good value, so why not give it a shot if you're interested in piledriving somebody into the mat?

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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