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Epic Heroes: Skirmish Gaming in the Realms of Fantasy
Publisher: Strategic Elite
by john s. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/31/2014 14:55:46

I've been plying Brink of Battle since it was first published, I've always thought it was one of the best skirmish level wargames I've played, right up there with my golden memories of games like Necromunda, and Mordhiem. The addition of Epic Fantasy to the game has increased my love of the game tenfold! The amazing detail and genre atmosphere virtualy oozes out of this book! The settings covered with rules for everything from Middle Earth level high fantasy, to terror inducing eldrich horror, to arcane mysteries of Wierd War 2 ( a personal favorite! ). Its a giant toybox to use every miniature you've ever bought! Worth every gold piece you loot! I can't recomend this enough for miniature fans of daring-do and dark deeds!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Epic Heroes: Skirmish Gaming in the Realms of Fantasy
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Gear Up Issue 1
Publisher: Dream Pod 9
by john s. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/24/2012 12:46:01

I am new to the Heavy Gear Blitz hobbie, and I foind this series of magazines, both enjoyable to read and full of great information for the game! Good articles that keep you interested. As well as wonderful layout and artistic look! If they keep writing them, I will keep getting them!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Gear Up Issue 1
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Brink of Battle: Skirmish Gaming through the Ages
Publisher: Strategic Elite
by john s. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/02/2012 01:39:12

Like most life long gamers, I have a closet full of old, loved, minis. From old D&D heros, to massed boxes of Warhammer Fantasy Battles. A few weeks ago I was looking for a good Modern Warfare skirmish game, sort of a Ghost Recon in miniature. When a good friend turned me onto Brink of Battle. I checked out the rules and on his recomendation, made the purchase of the game. Right from the start, I have loved this game! The mechanics are elegantly simple, yet detailed, and the game play is realistic, and still excitingly scinematic when the action starts up! As a skirmish level game, the forces used are smaller than most mass army games, but the individual Trait and Gear system, makes each model a living CHARECTER, a little person you root for, and mourn when he is cut down. Within the first weekend, I had emptied my minis boxes making Warbands! WW2 "Dirty Dozen" squad, US Marine Recon and NAVY Seal teams, I even used old Bretonian Knights as not terribly acurate French and English! Making the armies is nearly as fun as playing the games! This game is well worth the small price tag for a complete game, and the fact you get to make it your own sucks in your imagination! I havent liked a game this much since 40K was called Rogue Trader, and had cut-out paper Space Marines!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Brink of Battle: Skirmish Gaming through the Ages
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