I had a lot of fun running Shadows over Ekul. From my point of view this is one of the two best Beasts and Barbarians adventures. I ended up running this as part of a Lords of Gossamer game (not Savage Worlds) but it could easily be adapted to any D&D/swords and sorcery game system.
Shadows over Ekul is a wonderful four-chapter adventure that can be run over 2-4 game sessions. It starts with a classic case of mistaken identity (one of the PCs is mistaken for the local Prince), and quickly becomes a job opportunity where the heroes are asked to perform a dangerous mission (and the PC who looks very much like the Prince has to pretend to be the real Prince, and go on a 'diplomatic' mission).
My PC group had a lot of fun impersonating the Prince and his entourage - it allowed for some excellent roleplaying opportunities.
This adventure has it all - role-playing, rivalries, action, plot twists, chases, assaulting a castle, climbing sheer cliffs to sneak into baddies' lair, rescuing a Princess. It has excellent examples as to how to set up an interesting dungeon based on card-draws.
High praise for Shadow over Ekul. I will almost certainly run this adventure again. One of the best.