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Temple of Ra Accursed by Set (1979)

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Temple of Ra Accursed by Set (1979)
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Temple of Ra Accursed by Set (1979)
Publisher: Judges Guild
by Eric F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/01/2015 12:02:11

Do you need a one shot adventure with a solid Egyptian style flavor? A place of mystery and challenge where your adventurers might be challenged by a pool of mystery, horror, and pulp adventure in the old school tradition? Welcome to the Temple of Set Accursed By Ra and welcome to a new oasis of adventure. Bring extra character sheets. The Temple of Ra Accursed By Set was one of those old school adventure romps that I've been trying to put into a blog post for the last day or so. This is a sixteen page adventure that can easily be inserted into any fantasy campaign that has an Egyptian style desert location. This module makes an excellent addition to any old school sword and sorcery campaign. Seriously this sucker can easily be dropped in and it will challenge the hell out of the players. The blurb according to Drivethrurpg: Temple of Ra Accursed by Set By Thomas and Edward McCloud A grand adventure through an Egyptian-style temple, desecrated long ago by evil forces. Adventuring parties now wander it, searching for loot, and the forces of good have also entered to protect the ancient relics and restore the balance. Several new monsters are prominently featured in this 16-page booklet. The temple was originally set up for play in three-dimensional form for use with 25mm lead miniatures; instructions are provided to the Judge so that it can be set up that way. This is a nice quick adventure for a single evening, but is capable of being worked into a larger campaign as the Judge desires. And that's exactly what it is, a single evening sixteen page dungeon set within a framework that can easily work as a touch stone or campaign set piece for the PC's to wander through. Everything about this screams drop this one right into the background of your campaigns. There are enough challenges to take the grins off of some of your high level PC's as well. There are some really nice bits and pieces in this adventure that can be easily adapted into any sword and sorcery campaign that uses a pseudo Egyptian flavor. Do I think that that the Temple of Ra Accursed By Set is worth the download? If your into Judge's Guild products like me? Then yes but there's more to this one then simply a quick sixteen page old school adventure.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Temple of Ra Accursed by Set (1979)
Publisher: Judges Guild
by Richard K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/18/2014 20:23:44

I was never a great fan of judges guild stuff, but I enjoy adventures set in Egyptian-like settings, so I'd thought I'd take a chance on this one. I remember judges guild being printed on very thin paper, so the first thing I noticed that the scans were pretty good given what they had to work with. It is your typical judges guild adventure with what seems like totally randomly placed encounters separated by a few lines for notes. There is little to no artwork within, the map is only 1 level, and the princess you're supposed to rescue isnt even beautiful (according to the module text). Well the module isnt beautiful either. I'm going to pass on this one unless I were a collector of Judges Guild material.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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