A small semi-permanent sentry post sits by a cold (but not frozen) river in this substantial map. The post’s fire still burns, but two of the five buildings have been damaged. Is that normal for this post, or have they recently suffered some sort of attack? This map offers multiple story possibilities. The PCs might be confronted by the sentries as they ride or row into range, the PCs might be sent to the encampment to search for the missing sentries, or perhaps the PCs might even be employed as sentries at this post for a time. Jonathan Roberts’s signature hand-drawn style is on display here, executing a design by Don Pritchett for his Illfrost setting. You don’t need the Illfrost setting to use this map well, however; you just need a cold climate. Like all of the Illfrost map packs, the artwork fills the entire sheet of paper, and the pages are tiled with a small amount of overlap. You don’t need a full-bleed printer to use this product, though you may run into slight difficulties if you have an older inkjet printer that leaves a 1/4"–1/2" white margin on each side.