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Ancient Temple $1.99
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Ancient Temple
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Ancient Temple
Publisher: DramaScape
by Nora P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/08/2014 04:11:22

I agree with the comment regarding the exterior view having a bit more usefulness as a temple level interior with the roof as an overlay. I also would have liked to have seen a few more terrain features on the exterior as well. I think an ancient temple should have some overgrowth, as well as areas where the stonework has clearly suffered from the ravages of time. To me the exterior view was disappointingly simplistic. I would also have preferred to have had the interior in lighter stonework, and to have had a lighted version of the interior available as an option as well. It's easy enough to present that as "Ancient braziers flare magically to life as you enter the room and you hear the whisper of stone grating on stone." etc, or, your party lights the braziers still anchored to the crumbling walls etc, but more light and lighter stonework in general would help show up the details. I also appreciated the extra detail of a secret room, but again, more light would have shown it's details better. I'm using the VTT versions exclusively and appreciate the freedom no overlay gives me in importing it.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Ancient Temple
Publisher: DramaScape
by Roger L. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 02/14/2013 07:29:43

Nachdem ich als erstes Produkt von DramaScapa das Innenleben des verfallenen Tempels gewählt habe, war ich natürlich neugierig, wie die Außenwelt aussehen würde. Das südamerikanische Layout als Stufenpyramide überraschte mich, ich hätte mehr griechisches oder römisches erwartet.

Gut gefallen mir die Texturen, die fein genug, aber nicht hochauflösend sind. Alles erzeugt einen stimmigen Eindruck eines Tempels, tief irgendwo im Dschungel. Ich nutze die Karte für meine Belange in einem Pulpsetting, das Material ist also nicht nur auf Fantasy-Welten beschränkt.

Gut finde ich, dass die Karte gleich drei Mal vorhanden ist. Mit Hexfeldern, mit Quadraten und ganz ohne Raster. Erklärungen und Zusammenbau –Anleitung sind eingängig und gut geschrieben. Mir gefällt die Karte sehr und ich werde sie exzessiv in Kürze im Kapitelshowdown nutzen.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Ancient Temple
Publisher: DramaScape
by Aaron H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/25/2012 15:08:10

The following review was originally posted at Roleplayers Chronicle and can be read in its entirety at

The Ancient Temple battlemap is difficult to classify. It can be used in fantasy, horror, historical, pulp, or even sci-fi settings. It is an extremely simplistic battlemap depicting a temple atop a series of stones labs and surrounded by jungle. A set of stairs leads you to the temple and the textures have a very weathered feel to them (confirming the use of the term “ancient”). And that’s pretty much it.


Representing a structure that rises 3-dimensionally on a 2-dimensional surface is tricky. Representing one that has different levels is even more difficult. While you can visualize what the battlemap is supposed to be, I would like to have seen different shading to represent this changing of levels as the battlemap rises to the temple. With that said, the shading means you can tell where one level ends and the other begins and the overall look and feel looks visually wonderful.


Publication Quality: 7 out of 10 The Ancient Temple battlemap received in this package is laid-out wonderfully and cut perfectly across the grid. The presentation is good but the map is missing overlays for the actual temple. I’d like to see what’s inside of the temple or at least have an overlay that removes the roof. In fact, it would almost be easiest to have a battlemap without the roof and have the roof as an additional overlay. Otherwise the package includes a square-grid, hex-grid, and grid-less versions (the latter is for virtual tabletop use).

Visual Appeal: 10 out of 10 I really like the textures as they definitely pop from the battlemap. The entire battlemap has a very ancient look to it with stone overgrown by grass, stone obviously worn and even missing, and the subtle addition of a skeleton no longer intact. What really pops out at you (you may have to look closely) are the carvings around the actual temple. That is paying an extreme attention to detail.

Desire to Use: 7 out of 10 Without the ability to remove the roof of the ancient temple, the battlemap is seemingly limited to an external use of the temple instead of looking at what’s inside. However, it’s generic design allows it to be used in a number of genres. When I look at it, I see a pulp exploration into ancient Mesoamerican jungles where a lonely temple awaits its next victim.

Overall: 8 out of 10 Ancient Temple is a great utility map that has visual appeal to create an exciting encounter. While the interior of the temple itself is not shown on the battlemap, it can still easily be used as a center-piece for something interesting if not something extremely big. (What if ancient horrors were locked inside and simply stepping foot onto the temple’s platform woke the beasts, setting them free of their captivity?) Truly the possibilities for use are quite vast which gives the battlemap its true value.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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