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Endless Miniatures - Heroes Volume 1
Publisher: Nemo Works
by Parduz P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/13/2015 18:15:05

Amazing set of miniatures. Each character is full of tiny details, accurately enlighted, and full of personality. The style is more realistic than most of the other miniature producers but being completly hand drawn the realism is not cold and artificial like the 3D rendered ones. Is one of the best set of miniatures around, and i can't wait to see new sets from this artist.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Endless Miniatures - Heroes Volume 1
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Endless Dungeons - Under the Mountain
Publisher: Nemo Works
by Parduz P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/14/2014 18:07:56

I'm getting tired. I could write AGAIN how awesome this set is. I could just copy/paste from my reviews of the others sets Nemo Works produced. I could just slap here the usual "Awesome", "Fantastic" words. I hope to make this review count and sound sincere as it is by just saying this. Nemo Works raised the level of what i expect from a tile set. He set a new standard, a new quality level that ALL (and i mean ALL) the other producers have to reach. A player may like more a style or another, and that's a matter of taste. But the sheer amount of details and talent Nemo put in his sets is, right now, superior.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Endless Dungeons - Under the Mountain
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Endless Dungeons - FREE Add-On 2: Forge of a Thousand Souls
Publisher: Nemo Works
by Parduz P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/25/2014 19:14:18

This add-on is nothing less than gorgeous. The amount of details is impressive, and the overall feel is that the quality is the same, if not better, of some MUCH more big and known RPG producers. If you're reading these reviews 'cause you still on the fence about buying it..... buy it. Now. :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Endless Dungeons - FREE Add-On 2: Forge of a Thousand Souls
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Endless Dungeons - FREE Add-On 1: Temple Ruins
Publisher: Nemo Works
by Parduz P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/30/2013 19:41:05

Impressive. Nemo Works is one of the most original and innovative tile author: when a tile alone tells a story, that tile is great. And this set have more than one. Don't miss it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Endless Dungeons - FREE Add-On 1: Temple Ruins
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Endless Dungeons - Basic Set
Publisher: Nemo Works
by Parduz P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2013 00:00:00

This is one of the best tile set i've seen. Each room is hand drawn, full of tiny details, and great for playing both RPGs and boardgame. There's plenty of corridors, traps, deadways, and various tokens. The color are brillant and everything looks really good: the style is a bit "retro" (somewhat in between the old Heroquest board and the realistic CGI tiles i see sometime these days)... which to me is a good things 'cause the "ancient" deeling i get.

There's a lot of material, here, and i can't find a flaw. Go buy this tileset immediately! :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Endless Dungeons - Basic Set
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The Battlefield: Miniature Modern Warfare
Publisher: Brent Spivey Creations
by parduz z. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/05/2012 17:46:22

I'm searching for a light and fast ruleset from some time. I tried the "Song of ..." rules serie from Ganesha Games (the modern one is "Flying lead"), and TwoHoursWargame "5150: Star Army", along with some free ruleset found in the web. What i want is an easy game that i can use with my AT-43 miniatures or with modern soldier miniatures to "emulate" some movie like "Black Hawk Down", as example.

The Battlefield is really different from the other rules, and requires some sort of "reset" of your gaming habits. It rises the level of abstraction a bit: as example, you don't need anymore to have a metal barrel on the field to use as cover, but instead you can put your figures adjacent to a "terrain piece" and that's enough for your minis to be partially protected. The reasoning behind this is that there's a lot of features on that "terrain piece" you can't see and your soldiers are using it without the need to fiddling with the miniature.

Everything revolves around infantry: they are your main units, there's a lot of "specializations" for them and, while there rules for almost all types of vehicles (being them wheeled, tracked, or choppers) you'll use perhaps just one, to give some "color" to the scenario (the vehicles needs an infantry unit inside to operate, they're not working alone!).

The game's easy and plays fast; once you get the few basic concept, and once you start to "see" the game from its new point of view, every other single rule will find his place like the last 10 pieces when you're finishing a puzzle.

Other reviewers mentioned how it plays like a video-game and i agree: the action is often frantic and you usually respawn dead units, so you can't loose a scenario (or better: "game mode") 'cause a couple of bad rolls or bad decision: you can alway "spawn" the unit you need and retry to gain your victory.

What this game is not:

  • a game where "heroes" (leaders, stars.... you get it) are important. They don't even exist here. You "just" have units of infantry or vehicles.
  • a real-life simulation: you have no morale, no automatic reactions. There's just some random checks for some special actions (like parachuting), otherwise you have full control of what your soldiers will do.
  • a solo/co-op game: the previous point means that there's no an easy (and official) way to have an "automated" opponent

Instead, this game is:

  • a fast and easy, but still believable and deep skirmish system
  • a multiplayer game: it can handle multiple players, grouped in teams.
  • a game that don't requires complex terrain features: a "terrain block" is an abstraction that works whatever kind of stuffs you put on the table. The added advantage is that you can build your terrain pieces (building, forests, ruins) without worrying about how the miniaturs can walk on them, or use a shoe box instead if you're not a modeller. Still, the game requires a good amount of scenery on the field.

So i'm particulary happy pf this book. Perhaps "The Battlefield" will not replace your "best" system, but it is different enough from the other ruleset i know to have its own place and its unique flavour, and to be played 'cause you want to play "another game". Strongly recommended.

(pls excuse my poor english, i'm italian).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Battlefield: Miniature Modern Warfare
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Starmada Core Rulebook
Publisher: Majestic Twelve Games
by parduz z. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/27/2008 18:00:03

I need to do some premises: 1) i'm italian, so pls forget my poor english 2) I want to review "The core rulebook", not the game itself: i've read tons of other game/rules reviews before buying this "book", all better than the one i can write here. 3) So, I've not played the game before writing this review. 4) Also, i've not read the related forum: i want to pass my first, "pure" impression. We all will have time to go to the forum and ask. 5) I'm just an occasional wargamer. So it can happens that i may say something that is obvious or dull for the experienced wargamer. This is why i'm writing this review: to help another occasional player to better understand if this game is what he was searching for. 6) Last, as the only starship game i have is Silent Death (and an old version, too) i will make some comparison with it.

Enough blabbing

RULES EXPLANATION: I can (as non english speaker) read and understand the rules without reading three time the same thing. This means that the rules are well written and/or easy to learn. The only BIG MESS seems to me to be the Movement "Thrust requirements" computation. I have understood what the rules says, but i still have to figure how to compute them "in the field" without a costant bookkiping. I'll go to search in the game forum soon.

THE PDF: The b/w version is really an ink saver, thank you for that. The book is clear, written with a "big" font (readers around his 40 years may know how this becomes more important each new year). The only problem is that the PDF is built for "letter size" pages. Here we use the A4 size, so i'm forced to print it with the "shrink" and "center the page" options. Pages are drawn to have a bit more of space for the binder, so i've lost this "space" resulting with the binder holes pretty close to the text. Not a big problem, but designing the book to be contained in both the Letter-Size and the A4 pages is a better way to go. Also, i'd liked to have the chapter title written on the external side of the pages: this helps when you "fast flip" the pages to search somewhat.

ART: The rules are well illustrated when a picture helps to understand a rule. But i'm talking about the pictures that just add "ambience" to the rules. There's a picture at the beginning of each chapter, showing various combat scenes. They're made using some 3D rendering software, which is a good choice for a "sci-fi environment" like this. While i see some efforts in them, i don't see so much talent. The starships are all built using simple solids (you can look at the cover). This may be a matter of style, i can accept them. But drawing a good texture for a 3D model is somewhat mandatory, and these ships really needs a better texturing. Also, the Ship Cards (where you write how the ship is built and score hits) are just simple tables. In Silent Death the "ship card" is well pictured and each thing crearly says what is. You just need a fast look to find what you want. Here you just have a table of numbers, and if you're a beginner you have to read each time to find what you want.

PRO: Is a great product for a great game. While i've not played it yet, i see a lot of fun in it. The PDF price make it a great deal.

CONS: This game (or this book) deserve a true artist that add some nice touch to the game book, both for the "flavour" and for the "easy play". Some insignificant issues on the book layout.

I'd like to give 4.5, but i can't, and i feel that a full 5 should be give to a PERFECT product... so i go for a score of 4.

Again, sorry if this review is a pain to read: it is really hard for me to write in english, but this game deserve my efforts.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Starmada Core Rulebook
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