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The Stink in Golanda $5.00
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The Stink in Golanda
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The Stink in Golanda
Publisher: Polyhedron Games LLC
by Zach G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/05/2012 23:20:53

Short Version- Deadly. Very Deadly.

Longer Version- I found the Stink in Golanda surprisingly thorough and useful for a small adventure. The descriptions of the (many) enemies was top notch and the environment was interesting. I was especially fond of the placement of the new monster descriptions next to the location where they are encountered, as opposed to an appendix. On a PDF this avoids flipping back and forth while running the adventure from my iPad.

The maps were very nicely done and the battle sheet provided at the end was easy to read and use. I am usually quite ADD so these additions are very helpful.

I am pleased with the quality and feel confident recommending it to others. I will be purchasing more from Polyhedron Games in the future

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hooray, a 5 star review! Thank you. I take great pleasure in challenging players.
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